Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement Marketing Plan - 1298 Words
By completing my Social ME marketing plan, I ve developed my personal brand and improved my LinkedIn presence. I ve created a LinkedIn summary that tells who I am, what I ve accomplished, and where I want to go. It shows the unique value I can offer companies. I ve also identified and segmented a target market. My goals, strategies, competitive advantages, and a social media SWOT helped me identify what I need to do to improve my presence and reach my target market. The use of discussion boards will be vital for achieving my goals, along with social publishing in the form of articles, videos, blogs, and more. This was all done at no cost and will be truly beneficial both now and in my future endeavors. All this will increase the awareness of my personal brand and position me in a positive manner relative to my competition in the mind of business professionals. Situation Analysis Company Description My love for both creativity and organized planning is what initially sparked my interest in marketing. Currently a fourth year Marketing major at Eastern Illinois University with a minor in Entrepreneurship, I m seeking a job or internship to apply my experience upon graduation. Throughout my college career I’ve been involved in several organizations, work projects, and volunteer work to develop the transferrable skills needed to be successful in the professional world. I received several scholarships and awards, including the EIU School of Business Marketing DepartmentalShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Marketing Plan1523 Words  | 7 PagesBy completing my Social ME marketing plan, I ve developed my personal brand and improved my LinkedIn presence. This was all done at no cost and will be truly beneficial both now and in my future endeavors. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Understanding the Philosophy of Culture
The ability to transmit information across generations and peers by means other than genetic exchange is a key trait of the human species; even more specific to humans seems the capacity to use symbolic systems to communicate. In the anthropological use of the term, culture refers to all the practices of information exchange that are not genetic or epigenetic. This includes all behavioral and symbolic systems. The Invention of Culture Although the term culture has been around at least since the early Christian era (we know, for instance, that Cicero used it), its anthropological use was established between the end of eighteen-hundreds and the beginning of the past century. Before this time, culture typically referred to the educational process through which an individual had undergone; in other words, for centuries culture was associated with a philosophy of education. We can hence say that culture, as we mostly employ the term nowadays, is a recent invention. Culture and Relativism Within contemporary theorizing, the anthropological conception of culture has been one of the most fertile terrains for cultural relativism. While some societies have clear-cut gender and racial divisions, for instance, others do not seem to exhibit a similar metaphysics. Cultural relativists hold that no culture has a truer worldview than any other; they are simply different views. Such an attitude has been at the center of some of the most memorable debates over the past decades, entrenched with socio-political consequences. Multiculturalism The idea of culture, most notably in connection with the phenomenon of globalization, has given rise to the concept of multiculturalism. In one way or other, a large part of the contemporary world population lives in more than one culture, be it because of the exchange of culinary techniques, or musical knowledge, or fashion ideas, and so on. How to Study a Culture? One of the most intriguing philosophical aspects of culture is the methodology by means of which its specimens have been and are studied. It seems, in fact, that in order to study a culture one has to remove herself from it, which in some sense it means that the only way to study a culture is by not sharing it.The study of culture poses thus one of the hardest questions with respect to human nature: to what extent can you really understand yourself? To what extent can a society assess its own practices? If the capacity of self-analysis of an individual or a group is limited, who is entitled to a better analysis and why? Is there a point of view, which is best suited for the study of an individual or a society?It is no accident, one could argue, that cultural anthropology developed at a similar time at which psychology and sociology also flourished. All three disciplines, however, seem to potentially suffer from a similar defect: a weak theoretical foundation concerning their respecti ve relationship with the object of study. If in psychology it seems always legitimate to ask on which grounds a professional has a better insight into a patient’s life than the patient herself, in cultural anthropology one could ask on what grounds the anthropologists can better understand the dynamics of a society than the members of the society themselves.How to study a culture? This is still an open question. To date, there certainly are several instances of research that try and address the questions raised above by means of sophisticated methodologies. And yet the foundation seems to be still in need of being addressed, or re-addressed, from a philosophical point of view. Further Online Readings The entry on cultural evolution at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.The entry on multiculturalism at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.The entry on culture and cognitive science at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cold Sassy Free Essays
Death is spread all throughout Cold Sassy Tree, a novel that begins with the passing of Mattie Lou and ends with the passing of Rocker Blakeley. While the book focuses on mainly on religion and the restrictions of the town Cold Sassy, the Grim Reaper seems to be floating around every corner. Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns. We will write a custom essay sample on Cold Sassy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Is a book that revolves around death, and the main character Will Tweedy seems to know lust how to handle himself from the very start. Will Tweedy Is fourteen years old when his grandmother, Mattie Lou Toy Blakeley, dies three weeks before the novel begins. There Is no real explanation as to why she died, since the author did not specify her sickness, so It was most likely due to natural causes. This might have made It somewhat easier on Mattie Loll’s family and the rest of Cold Sassy, who were very close to her, but It does not keep them all from grieving and mourning to Kingdom Come. They linger on her death and restrict themselves from doing anything they find pleasurable. This Is understandable as well as common in their time, seeing that they could be judged for coming out of mourning too quickly. However, young Will sees that there is something wrong with tying upset for such a long period of time: â€Å"l just didn’t think I could stand anymore mourning. For three whole weeks†¦ They hadn’t let me play baseball or go fishing or anything. †(Burns 14). This shows that Will is somewhat ahead of others when it comes to dealing with the demise of close friends and relatives, though he deals with it in a very different way from others. Will Is puzzled by the conformity that is offered from Cold Sassy. He does not see why it is wrong for his grandfather, Mr.. Blakeley, to love both his dead wife and his new wife, Miss Love. He knows that it is strange for his grandfather to be marrying a unsung milliner shortly after Mattie Lou dies, yet sees the positive side and recognizes the fact that his grandfather will need help around the house. If Mattie Lou is dead, how can she help Mr.. Blakeley? Will has also almost been killed by a train; this occurred not long after Mattie Loll’s death. The event was very surreal to him, and he was extremely scared when he found that he could very well be dead: â€Å"And as knowledge of what could have happened hit me, I started shaking and crying. †(Burns 78). In addition to this, Will’s friend Bluffed Jackson died the previous year due to cocoas. Will grieves for him during the camping trip with his friends, but he covers it up with humor. That is the revelation; Will deals with death through comedy so that he can deal with the emotions he does not understand. However, after he himself almost dies, Will begins to see that he should be more appreciative of life, and It makes him want to understand God and death more than ever. This brings us to Will’s spiritual mentor, which would be his grandfather, Rocker Blakeley. Rocker helps Will mature In many ways through the novel, never lecturing UT sharing his thoughts with young Tweedy. Rocker makes It clear that he Cold Sassy By mahogany seems to be floating around every corner. Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns. S a Will Tweedy is fourteen years old when his grandmother, Mattie Lou Toy Blakeley, dies three weeks before the novel begins. There is no real explanation as to why she died, since the author did not specify her sickness, so it was most likely due to natural causes. This might have made it somewhat easier on Mattie Loll’s family and the rest of Cold Sassy, who were very close to her, but it does not keep them all from homeless from doing anything they find pleasurable. This is understandable as well as common in their time, seeing that they could be Judged for coming out of staying upset for such a long period of time: â€Å"l Just didn’t think I could stand Will is puzzled by the conformity that is offered from Cold Sassy. He does not see almost dies, Will begins to see that he should be more appreciative of life, and it Blakeley. Rocker helps Will mature in many ways through the novel, never lecturing but sharing his thoughts with young Tweedy. Rocker makes it clear that he How to cite Cold Sassy, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Hydrogen As Fuel Internal Combustion Engineâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Hydrogen As Fuel Internal Combustion Engine? Answer: Introducation The energy sector is undergoing different changes and different suggestions to overcome the different challenges in the industry. The environmental impacts are taking the center and therefore raising different researches to focus on other sources of energy to fuel the machines rather than fossil fuels. The analysis of hydrogen to be used as a fuel for internal combustion engine has been carried out for long and at some point looks much more promising to solve the different challenges (Rahman, Mohammed and Bakar, 2008). Even with the various advantages, hydrogen as well has some pros, which has been able to challenge its implementation as part of fuel for internal combustion engine. Hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines (H2ICEs) has been a topic f focus and trial for several decades and several tests have been as well carried to evaluate the effect of use of hydrogen in this sector. The hydrogen internal combustion engine came in place in order to replace the traditional gasolin e engines. This part of this paper will mostly focus on the different elements of use of the hydrogen in the HICE rather than the differences on the engines. The use of hydrogen as a fuel is able to lead to production of water, which is emitted (Verhelst, Verstraeten and Sierens, 2014). Unlike the other denser field, which led to production of oxides of nitrogen, which are harmful to the environment, the production of water is friendly. The hydrogen fuel engines are able to burn fuel in the same manner as the gasolines engines do burn. Power output is a key factor, which is considered when adopting an engine. The air/fuel ratio and fuel injection methods are the major factors, which determine the power output for the hydrogen fueled engines. A stoichiometric air/fuel of 34:1 of hydrogen is usually used in these engines. Using this ratio, hydrogen is likely to replace 29% of the combustion chamber content and therefore leaving the 71% for air (Antunes, Gomes, Mikalsen and Roskilly, 2008). With the increase of the air content, the energy content is likely to be less than when gasoline is used as a fuel. This ratio is able to reduce the power output in the hydrogen engines. There are two key methods, which are mostly used, which include carbureted and port injection methods in the mixing of air and fuel before it enters the combustion chamber. The use of these methods in the internal combustion engine may result to either a 15% increase or decrease in the energy output for the engines. Metering of the fuel is key in d etermination of the theoretical power output in the engines. The metering of the fuel is able to contribute to the output of the power on these hydrogen engines. The hydrogen fueled engines are designs to twice the air in order to complete the combustion. The ratio of air and fuel are key in the production of nitrogen oxides. The use of hydrogen and the control of the ratio are able to lower the production of nitrogen oxides to near zero in these hydrogen fueled engines (Priyanka, and Sharma, 2014). The main use of the hydrogen as a fuel in the energy production is to reduce the production of the nitrogen oxides. Combustion properties of hydrogen are superior in terms of advantages achieved. Hydrogen as a fuel has a high flame velocity, which enhance its burning to produce power output. The use of the hydrogen as a fuel is able to increase the efficiency of operation through increase of power output. Flammability is another key factor, which is needed for fuels. Hydrogen has a wide range of flammability enhances wider operation of the engines. Complete burning of fuel is likely to happen and this leads to fuel economy. In addition, hydrogen a s a fuel has a high diffusivity. Formation of uniform airflow is usually achieved through the adoption of the hydrogen as a fuel (Verhelst, Maesschalck, Rombaut, and Sierens, 2009). In addition, through the diffusivity, if any leakage is able to happen the hydrogen is usually able to disperse it immediately and therefore lead to control of hazards. In addition, hydrogen has low density. The low density is advantageous in terms of weight but has some disadvantages. Large volume of hydrogen is usually require to cover a room unlike gasoline, which is dense. Secondly, reduced power output is usually related to the low density of hydrogen. Nevertheless, the use of hydrogen as a fuel in internal combustion engine is gaining its popularity. The need to enhance environmental factors, which gasoline and other fuel are causing, is able to promote the use of hydrogen. Merits and demerits of using hydrogen as a fuel The use of hydrogen as a fuel is able to bring various advantages to the industry. First and foremost, hydrogen is environmental friendly and its by product does not pollute the environment. This is one of the key advantage of adapting hydrogen as fuel unlike other fuels. When burned, hydrogen does not produce carbon and nitrogen oxides, which are widely produced by other fuels (Rude, et al., 2011). Additionally, hydrogen is non-toxic and this means that it is environmentally friendly. In terms if final products, when burnt hydrogen is able to produce water as the final product. This product is environmentally friendly and therefore the hydrogen as a fuel does not conflict the environmental existence. Gasoline and nuclear energy are able to produce other products, which are toxic to the environment. Products of carbon and nitrogen oxides by these other duels are able to deplete the ozone layer and therefore leading to global warming (Kim, Lee and Choi, 2012). This is able to affect t he climatic conditions and therefore affecting the ecosystem as a whole. This is a great advantage, which is able to promote the use of hydrogen as a fuel a part from the other fuels. Therefore, the adoption of hydrogen as a fuel is able to bring positive impacts to the environment than the other fuels, which destroy it much. In addition, hydrogen is readily available and therefore a source which can last. Fossil fuels can be extinguished from their sources and therefore relying on them means that some point the sources will be no more. Hydrogen fuel is more powerful; in fact, it is three times more powerful than other fuels. This means that the adoption of hydrogen as a fuel will be able to fuel all the machines unlike other fuels, which means that some machines such as rockets must search for other alternatives for fuel (Balat, 2008). Efficiency is a key factor when adopting any fuel. Hydrogen is able to lead to high efficiency and therefore enhancing its use. Hydrogen is able to produce three times efficiency when used as a fuel more than other fuels. This is a great advantage, which is achieved when there is fuel is adopted in the industry and therefore it enhances the operations. More importantly, hydrogen is renewable and this means that it can be used repeatedly unlike the nonrenewable energy fuels . The hydrogen fuel is available and can be produced to meet the demands, which may arise. This means that shortage cannot be experiences when adoption of the hydrogen fuel is done (Glassman, 2012). Since hydrogen can be sourced automatically or produced using water, the fuel has a future to meet further demands. Other fuel sources are able to be depleted with time and this places a risk on the emerging demand of fuel in different industries. A source, which can be able to withstand the increased demand, is therefore needed and the hydrogen fuel is able to generate hopes of that source and fuel. Demerits Hydrogen use as a fuel does not only have the positive part but also has some dark areas on it. First, hydrogen production process is expensive therefore meaning that the final end product will be expensive too. The process of production is long and requires large efforts to bring out the hydrogen as a fuel (Kelly, Gibson Ouwerkerk, 2008). When compared with other fuels, it is cheaper to produce them than the production of hydrogen. Additionally, transportation and storage of hydrogen as a fuel is not easy. Since the fuel will not only be used at the point of production, its transportation and storage becomes an expensive affair. Other fuels have transportation mechanisms such as pipeline and trucks, which enhance their storage and transportation to consumption points in an easy way. This makes them cheap to consumers. Transporting hydrogen fuel to consumers will make it more expensive for them to afford it for their use. In addition, hydrogen is highly flammable and this means that special mechanism for its forage will be required. The handling of the fuel then becomes an issue, which will affect its usage as a fuel due to flammability. Moreover, the production of the hydrogen will require other energy sources (Swain and Adt, 2010). This means that the usage of other sources such as gasoline will not be evaded at all. The production process for the hydrogen will require these sources to complete the process. This is unlike these sources, which are able to run their parts in order to refine the fuels. Therefore even with the numerous advantages which the hydrogen fuel is able to bring, there are few hurdles, which need to be jumped for effective implementation of this energy References Antunes, F., Gomes, M.J., Mikalsen, R. and Roskilly, A.P. (2008). An Investigation of Hydrogen Fuelled HCCI Engine Performance and Operation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(15):5823-5828. Balat, M. (2008). Potential Importance of Hydrogen as a Future Solution to Environment and Transportation Problems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(15):4013-4029. Glassman, I. (2012). Combustion. Academic Press, Inc California. Kelly, N.A., Gibson T. L. Ouwerkerk D. B. (2008). A Solar-Powered, High-Efficiency Hydrogen Fueling System using High Pressure Electrolysis of Water: Design and Initial Results. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; (18): 2747-2764. Kim, Y.Y., Lee T.J., and Choi, H.G. (2012). An Investigation on the Causes of Cycle Variation in Direct Injection Hydrogen Fueled Engines. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (1):69-76. Priyanka, G., and Sharma, S.K., (2014). Review on Opportunities and Difficulties with HCNG as a Future Fuel for Internal Combustion Engine. Advances in Aerospace Science and Application, Research India Publication; 4(1):79-84.Balat, M. (2008). Potential importance of hydrogen as a future solution to environmental and transportation problems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(15): 4013-4029. Rahman, M.M., Mohammed, M.K., and Bakar, R.A. (December 2008). Effect of Engine Speed on Performance of Four-Cylinder Direct Injection Hydrogen Fueled Engine. Proceedings of the 4th BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 27-29, 175-200. Rude, L.H., Nielsen, T.K., Ravnsbk, D.B., Bosenberg, Ley, M.B., Richter, B. (2011). Tailoring Properties of Borohydrides for Hydrogen Storage: A Review. Phys Status Solidi (a); 208(8):175473. Swain, M.R. and Adt. R.R. (2010). The Hydrogen-Air Fuelled Automobile, Proc. 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference; 1382-1388. Verhelst, S., Maesschalck, P., Rombaut, N., and Sierens, R. (2009). Increasing the Power Output of Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines by means of Supercharging and Exhaust Gas Recirculation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(10): 44064412. Verhelst, S., Verstraeten, S., and Sierens, R. (2014). A Comprehensive Overview of Hydrogen Engine Design Features. J. Automobile, ; 221(8): 911-920.
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