Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Using Verb Tenses in Chinese
Using Verb Tenses in Chinese Western languages such as English have several ways to express tense. The most common are verb conjunctions which change the form of the verb depending on the time frame. For example, the English verb eat can be changed to ate for past actions and eating for current actions. Mandarin Chinese does not have any verb conjugations. All verbs have a single form. For example, the verb for eat is Ã¥ Æ' (chÄ «), which can be used for the past, present, and future. Despite the lack of Mandarin verb conjugations, there are other ways to express timeframes in Mandarin Chinese. State the Date The simplest way to clarify which tense you are speaking in is to directly state the time expression (like today, tomorrow, yesterday) as part of the sentence. In Chinese, this is usually at the beginning of the sentence. For example: æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ Æ'è ± ¬Ã¨â€šâ€°Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Ëœ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ Æ'çÅ' ªÃ¨â€šâ€°Ã£â‚¬â€šZuà ³tiÄ n wÇ’ chÄ « zhÃ… « rà ²u.Yesterday I ate pork. Once the timeframe is established, it is understood and can be omitted from the rest of the conversation. Completed Actions The particle ä ºâ€ (le) is used to indicate that an action occurred in the past and has been completed. Like the time expression, it can be omitted once the timeframe has been established: (æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©)我å Æ'è ± ¬Ã¨â€šâ€°Ã¤ ºâ€ 。(æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©)我å Æ'çÅ' ªÃ¨â€šâ€°Ã¤ ºâ€ 。(Zuà ³tiÄ n) wÇ’ chÄ « zhÃ… « rà ²u le.(Yesterday) I ate pork. The particle ä ºâ€ (le) can also be used for the immediate future, so be careful of its usage and be sure to understand both functions. Past Experience When you have done something in the past, this action can be described with the verb-suffixÂ é Ž / è ¿â€¡ (guà ²). For example, if you want to say that you have already seen the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (è‡ ¥Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾ /Ã¥ §Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾â„¢ - wà ² hdžcng long), you can say: 我å · ²Ã§ ¶â€œÃ§Å"‹é Žè‡ ¥Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾ 我å · ²Ã§ » çÅ"‹è ¿â€¡Ã¥ §Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾â„¢WÇ’ yÇ jÄ «ng kn guà ² wà ² hdžcng long. Unlike the particle ä ºâ€ (le), the verb suffix guà ² (é Ž / è ¿â€¡) is used to talk about an unspecific past. If you want to say that you saw the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon yesterday, you would say: æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã§Å"‹è‡ ¥Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾ ä ºâ€ æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã§Å"‹å §Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾â„¢Ã¤ ºâ€ Zuà ³tiÄ n wÇ’ kn wà ² hdžcng là ³ng le. Completed Actions In The Future As mentioned above, the particle ä ºâ€ (le) can be used for the future as well as the past. When used with a time expression such as 明å ¤ © (mà ngtÄ «an - tomorrow), the meaning is similar to the English perfective. Take for instance: 明å ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ ° ±Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¥Å½ »Ã¥ °Ã¥Å'â€"ä ºâ€ 明å ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ ° ±Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¥Å½ »Ã¥ °Ã¥Å'â€"ä ºâ€ Mà ngtiÄ n wÇ’ jià ¹ huà ¬ qà ¹ TibÄ›i le.Tomorrow I will have gone to Taipei. The near future is expressed with the combination of the particles è ¦ (yo - to intend); Ã¥ ° ± (jià ¹ - right away); or Ã¥ ¿ « (kui - soon) with the particle ä ºâ€ (le): 我è ¦ åŽ »Ã¥ °Ã¥Å'â€"ä ºâ€ WÇ’ yo qà ¹ TibÄ›i le.Im just going to Taipei. Continuing Actions When an action is continuing to the present moment, the expressions æ £Ã¥Å" ¨ (zhà ¨ngzi), æ £ (zhà ¨ng) or Ã¥Å" ¨ (zi) can be used, along with the particle å‘ ¢ (ne) at the end of the sentence. This can look something like: 我æ £Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ zhà ¨ngzi chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. or 我æ £Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ zhà ¨ng chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. or 我åÅ" ¨Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ zi chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. or 我å Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. The continuative action phrase is negated with æ ² ¡ (mà ©i), and æ £Ã¥Å" ¨ (zhà ¨ngzi) is omitted. The å‘ ¢ (ne), however, remains. For example: 我æ ² ¡Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ mà ©i chÄ «fn ne.I am not eating. Mandarin Chinese Tenses It is often said that Mandarin Chinese does not have any tenses. If tenses mean verb conjugation, this is true, since verbs in Chinese have an unchangeable form. However, as we can see in the above examples, there are many ways to express timeframes in Mandarin Chinese. The main difference in terms of grammar between Mandarin Chinese and European languages is that once a timeframe has been established in Mandarin Chinese, there is no longer any need for precision. This means sentences are constructed in simple forms without verb endings or other qualifiers. When talking to a native Mandarin Chinese speaker, Westerners may get confused with this lack of continuous precision. But this confusion arises from the comparison between English (and other Western languages) and Mandarin Chinese. Western languages require subject/verb agreements, without which the language will be glaringly wrong. Compare this with Mandarin Chinese, in which a simple statement can be in any timeframe, or express a question, or be an answer.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Getting through the most awkward interview moments
Getting through the most awkward interview moments At some point in your career, you’re going to have an awkward interview moment. It may be something you say; it may be coming from the interviewer; it could be anything. In the end, all you can do is laugh it off and hope for the best (or start working on the next opportunity), but there are also some strategies you can implement that can make things a little smoother in the meantime. 4 ways to ease interview awkwardness1. When you don’t know the answer to a questionYour brain is shouting, â€Å"Stall for time!†while you think about the answer to a question you don’t understand- or just plain don’t know. The problem is that the interviewer can tell that you’re a) stalling for time or b) bluffing your way through if you try to get around the answer. Your best bet is just to be honest.â€Å"I don’t know†isn’t a great response, but try framing it differently. â€Å"That’s a good question! Can you clarify what you m ean by the [X-Y-Z] process?†2. When you’re trying to avoid an elephant in the roomLet’s say you’re interviewing at Y Corp, and Y Corp just happens to be infamous for shady corporate behavior or poor reviews by former employees. You definitely don’t want to lead with that, but you might have legitimate concerns about what it would be like to work there. Instead of putting the interviewer on the defensive, try framing it as a question about what the culture is in the office, and whether the company is addressing some of the issues raised in public. If your query comes from a place that’s thoughtful and curious, rather than accusatory, it creates less friction with the interviewer.3. When you’re being asked about highly personal informationIt’s illegal for employers to hire (or not hire) based on factors like religion, family status, or ethnicity. So if you find yourself being asked questions about this (either directly or in an indirect way, like through small talk), you can redirect. You don’t have to come on strong, talking about legal employment statutes, but it’s okay to steer the conversation away.For example: if you think the interviewer is trying to figure out if you’re likely to have children in the near future, emphasize that you’re committed to the job as a priority, regardless of what is going on in your personal life.4. When you got fired from your last jobIt happens. Not every job ends with a seamless transition to the next one. If you’re trying to cover a firing (even if you were fired for something you did), it’s not necessarily a dealbreaker, and you should be prepared to talk about it. Practice your response ahead of time for a question like, â€Å"Why did you leave your last job?†or â€Å"Can you tell me about the circumstances when you left your last job?†Practicing it beforehand can decrease anxiety in the moment- a plan in place means you know exactly what to say. It can also help you modulate your tone, because you really don’t want to seem angry or defensive in front of a potential new employer.Be sure to limit your answer to just the pertinent info. If you find yourself inclined to start with, â€Å"Okay, here’s the story of what really happened. My boss was a total jerk, and†¦Ã¢â‚¬ then it’s time to edit. Keep personal details and opinions out of it. And it’s fine to give a brief, one-or-two sentence discussion of what happened. The interviewer isn’t looking for a saga- just the basic understanding.And above all else- be positive. Even the worst situations can provide valuable learning opportunities, so you can say, â€Å"It was a challenge, but it taught me much more about how to handle a situation like this proactively and helped me refocus my energies on the skills I needed to build.†Being able to get through these awkward moments can make the difference between a failed interview and a saved one. Staying calm and talking through it can usually fix an embarrassing moment and hel p you get things back on track.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Modernization and revolution in China from the opium wars to world Essay
Modernization and revolution in China from the opium wars to world power - Essay Example This paper will discuss chapter 12 and the Fourth Generation.Shortly after Jiang Zemen and his 3rd generation of leaders took over power from Den Xiaopeng and other revolutionaries, China began to face a new political succession. Most of the 3rd generation were in their 70's at the time. The New Generation of leaders is important because when the Fourth Generation took over it changed everything including the top ministry level throughout the country. This was very much a cultural revolution. Unfortunately there are many things that we do not know as there have not been many studies related to this generation.This generation of leaders grew up believing in Mao. They later found that their idolism was shattered as they became better educated and began to understand the issues. They, however, acquired political skills as a habit of having a chance to think independently. This is a generation that on top of all of that has bore the burden of what is called the cultural generation as wel l as paying the cost of the reform movement. The reform is really two China's which is confusing to the rest of the world as well as the Chinese.Officially this is a nation of patriots not nationalists. The Party is the embodiment and object of patriotic sentiment. This is meant to make China strong and gain and hold its rightful place in the world. However, even with all of this happening, one must remember that the history of China is rooted in the earlier generations and official discourse. This is all very much linked to the Communist Party. The "Motherland" or China has had many periods in its history of invasion by foreign powers. Many lost their lives in these wars and there were many martyrs for the country. The Party used Marxism-Leninism to bring the country together. They used this to show the fate of the nation and its people and the same time point out the correct direction and path for strengthening their country and making it stronger economically. This has all proven to be quite successful. The success of the country now, of course, is because of the Party and it is centre in the economic development. This has all brought about a new generation of leadership which is called the Fourth generation. There are some pretty specific characteristics about this leadership group. Often called the "Cultural Revolution" generation. All experienced CR either as recent graduates or whilst still at university. Only Li Changchun temporarily involved in Red Guard activities, then neutral. Most avoided participation or were criticized for siding with the authorities. Few had studied or travelled overseas before rising to prominence - viz. Hu Jintao's recent visit to Europe and the eager anticipation surrounding his visit to US Experience of provinces, particularly some of China's poorest - Hu Jintao in Gansu, Guizhou and Tibet - Wen in Gansu - Li Changchun and Luo Gan in Henan. Focus on poverty/economic development - both evident for example in Wen's role in agriculture. Closely involved with economic reforms/associations with most reform-minded sections of CCP from 1980s - Hu Jintao headed the Chinese Communist Youth League, Wen Jiabao worked with Zhao Ziyang - Li Changchun's record in Liaoning where he authorized China's first bankruptcy and defended this policy against criticism. First post-revolutionary generation - will this lead them to place less emphasis on the glories of the Party's past/be less hide-bound by official ideology - Role of Central Party School/Organization Department in "Three representatives" campaign
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 9
Research paper - Essay Example The advent of video and the internet has made the porn business boom and generate billions of dollars in revenue (Boyle 8). The writer chose this particular subject to find out if the criticisms against pornography are valid. In addition, he wanted to discover if there are positive effects of watching pornography. The writer reviewed various scholarly peer-reviewed articles on pornography and its results to understand why the business has grown to such a size despite serious criticisms against it. Another objective was to increase the writers knowledge on the subject of pornography. This would enable him to make a personal, unbiased conclusion on the subject; whether the benefits outweigh the costs and vice versa. The pornography industry churns out over 13000 videos and generates revenue in the range of 10 billion and 14 billion dollars. The Free Speech Coalition is credited for the increased presence of pornography. Adult content has entered the society to such an extent that it has become unavoidable (Mikkola 316-320). It is a fact that pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry, just like weapons businesses and drug trafficking. Despite its huge profitability, most of the actresses are girls and women captured in war, kidnapped, sold by their parents, driven by poverty, violence and incest. They landed into the control of pimps, landlords, advertisers and law enforcers. These actresses are not well paid and the profits go to their "employers." Pornography categories have increased dramatically. Consumers, therefore, have a wide array to choose from and many end up liking a particular category more than the others. The main problem in figuring this point out is that there are very few actresses and producers who come out into the open to discuss how much on average a pornstar is paid (Fraterrigo 1262). It is claimed that pornography denies men the opportunity of being intimate in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Online Behavioral Targeting and Consumer Privacy Issues Essay Example for Free
Online Behavioral Targeting and Consumer Privacy Issues Essay Sophocles’ prolific writing has rarely produced a woman of such stern strength of character as â€Å"Antigone†. Inversely the comedy of Aristophanes â€Å"Lysistrat†was among the first to introduce a strong willed female protagonist, who is not a goddess. The treatment of both great writers differs in the fact that the backdrops and the moods are distinctly different. While Sophocles zeroed in on the sombre tragedy, Aristophanes chose to inject feminist revolt against domination through zestful comedy. From a gender perspective it is important to study the motives behind the actions of the lead characters in both the plays. There have been suicides and suicides in Greek tragedies (which almost define Greek tragedies). Sophocles’ Antigone commits suicide in the dark dungeon left to starve to death. But unlike the suicide of their mother Jocasta who decides to end her life when she learns that her marital relationship with Oedipus was incestuous, Antigone’s death is a defiant protest against the tyranny of her uncle Creon and an emphasis of her strongly held belief, that her brother should be accorded a proper burial. There have been few examples of valour from Greek women who defied the norms of either their contemporary society or their king for a symbolic gesture rather than a cause. In the case of Antigone it was the burial rights to one of her two dead brothers which drives her to go against the will of the ruler, Creon. â€Å"Antigone†begins after both the warring brothers have apparently killed each other and since Polynices revolted against the state and led an Argive army to overthrow his brother Eteocles, he is deemed to be a sinner against the state. Thus Creone, brother of Jocasta, who becomes the ruler decrees his body to be deprived of proper burial rites to ensure that his soul rots beyond redemption. Antigone, in the beginning of the play expresses her wish to accord her brother proper burial. It is a symbolic depiction of Antigone’s moral strength that she decides to go ahead in her chosen course though she is unable to enlist the support of her more timid sister Ismene. This is a marked deviation from the depiction of women in Greek literature of the time where women were always looked upon as dependent on others for the strength of their convictions. Antigone succeeds in her stated mission and when this becomes known to Creone, an argument rages on the choice between the natural law and man-made laws. In another daring drift from established norm, the chorus in Sophocles’ play have the moral courage to call the path of their emperor as the more evil. Creone’s son and Antigone’s fiance Haemon comes to her defence and the ensuing debate on the justice of natural laws which should supersede man made laws is a dramatist’s delight. Creone, however, decides to leave Antigone to starve to death in a sealed cave as her prison. The blind prophet Tiresias also advocates against punishment to Antigone and says he will pay â€Å"corpse for corpse, and flesh for flesh†. The declaration of Tiresias that Creon is causing moral pollution causes a change of heart in Creone. His moral dilemma leads him to conclude that Polynices should be buried and Antigone should be pardoned. But by this time, Hameon reaches Antigone’s cave with the intention of saving her only to find that she has committed suicide by hanging herself, much like her mother Jocasta before her. When Creon reaches the cave he finds Hameon grieving over Antigone and he takes his life by stabbing himself as Creon approaches him. This leads Eurydice, Creon’s wife to give up her life in the grief of her son’s untimely death. Thus Creon loses all his loved ones due to his one fatal erring conviction to hold the laws of the state above the natural law. The tragic flaw, is thus justified in Sophocles’ â€Å"Antigone†. It is easy to categorize the play Lysistrata by Aristophanes as a lewd comedy designed to entertain the Greek literature and drama lovers with a lampooning of the results if women begin to take an interest in affairs of national importance. It is also very convenient to visualize male actors playing all the important roles of the play and the â€Å"male†male characters wearing erect phalluses to depict their masculinity might have led to uproarious laughter. However, with passing time and the aid of retrospection help us to begin to understand that Aristophanes might have devoted considerable time and emotional energy in trying to decipher what goes through the hearts and heads of women of his time who were modelled to be subservient and detached from the affairs of the state. Lysistrata leads a domestic and non violent non-cooperation movement (though the medium of non cooperation seldom ventures beyond the conventional sexual subjugation) to convince the men of the time to end the long standing war (apparently the Peloponnesian war) and bring back peace. The play is an apparent comedy that it depicts women as sex crazed and spine less characters for whom rising beyond their daily chores is a daunting task. Except fro Lysistrata, no other woman comes across as strong willed enough to contribute in any way to the cause of the play. One can imagine the gusty laughter the scene involving the swearing of oath by drinking wine from a shield as it was a portrayal of women as being incapable of self restraint (from all good things in life, including wine and sex). Though Lysistrata as a play has a lot of titillate the viewers, it has been seen in modern light as a commentary on the plight of women who have no say in the affairs of the state entirely decide by the men but have to silently suffer the consequences. This has remained unchanged even after the liberation ages of the 20th century. Aristophanes does manage to draw a caricature of Greek women as incapable of with holding sex or thinking beyond sex as the only weapon in her armour to control or change society. It is possible though to excuse this caricature as Aristophanes’ attempt not to ruffle the feathers of his contemporary society while at the same time recording for future history that women did harbour different opinions on the approaches of the state to war and peace. The widowhood and martyrdom of a mother who loses her children to the ravages of war are not mentioned, perhaps because they would have added the much relegated sobriety to this deemed comedy. Gender domination is a visible thread in Lysistrata, but whether Aristophanes designed this play as a comic fiction based on improbable scenarios of liberated women questioning state policies, or as an underhanded attempt to depict female angst of his contemporary Greek society is debatable. However Lysistrata has remained current and meaningful to this date due to its universal themes of Peace being preferred over War and has helped several social commentators put across their point during the several un necessary wars that dot world history to date be it the Vietnam war or the latest invasion of Iraq. Whatever be the motivation, both Sophocles and Aristophanes manage to leave behind a piece of Literature which continues to engage readers and historians in a healthy debate on the premium placed on female equality by writers from the Greek age to the present day. Works Cited or used as reference Henderson, Jeffrey (contributor) Lysistrata by Aristophanes, London : Oxford University Press, 1990 Translated by Gibbons, Reginald and Segal, Charles Antigone by Sophocles, NewYork : Oxford University Press US, 2003
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Self Against Fate Essay -- essays research papers
In the epic poem, Beowulf, we discover a new way of looking at life. The poem, which was written by an unknown author, depicts life as a journey that is set out for you by God, one that is unchangeable and indefinite. Beowulf as a character is a marvelous person, however, not even he with all his power and might can change his destiny. We as people today base our lives around the same thoughts and ideas. No one knows when our last day will be to step foot on earth. Every second of every minute could be our last. We are sent to Earth by God with a purpose, and only we as individuals can determine that purpose after we have truly, fully lived. In the epic poem, Beowulf, Beowulf himself acts as the epic hero in defeating all evil to uphold the glory and safety of his people as fate would allow him with each struggle. Throughout the play, we find Beowulf constantly having to defend himself in the fight not only against three horrid monsters, but the fight against fate. Beowulf starts out the poem as a young man, full of pride and honor. As he ages, his wisdom and capabilities excel while his final destiny draws nearer. The slaughter he takes not only brutalizes him physically, but takes a mental toll on his life in terms of time. â€Å"Physical and moral evil can be challenged and overcome, but the ultimate evil (perhaps at its extremity, age and death) cannot be avoided. Beowulf slays his antagonist and transcends his own death. By dying as he lived, he is a model for triumph in th...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Individual Organizational Issues Essay
The ethical issues presented in the Week Three Ethics Game Simulations were from the Mysterious Blogger and The Veiled Id, the ethical issues address in game simulation of â€Å"The Mysterious Blogger†was whether or not the information obtained by IT Tech, Jamal Moore was enough to discipline blogging employee Aaron Webb for violating the NDA policy. The ethical issues for the game simulations for â€Å"The Veiled ID†, was to address how to develop a security policy that would accommodate the special needs and the physical safety of the employees’. The decision-making steps one took to address these issues were based on the position one held in the simulation game one was able to determine the best avenue ethically to approach in order to take action on both issues address in the game. First, this authors decision-making abilities were based on protecting the interest of the shareholders and how these decisions could affect the shareholders in both short and long-term. Ethical issues that arise within an organization or company will not only effect an individual employee, it will affect the company and anyone who has made an investment in the company. Apart from protecting the interest of shareholders and the company, it also comes down to always following company policies and doing the right thing. If a organizations policies are broken in any way, shape or form, this author would be placed in a situation to make the best decision to receive the best outcome in order to maintain discipline and good order within the company or organazation. The ethical perspectives this author utilized to make the decisions for the simulation game were based on the options given in each scenario within the gaming process. Although the simulation did not have any right or wrong answers it did take time for this author to address each scenario with an open mind and take the time to look at different view points before making a decision(s) to see whether or not the answer selected was the best fit for that scenario. The way these ethical perspectives influenced this authors decisions were by determining the values and effects of the stakeholders for both simulation games played The Mysterious Blogger and The Veiled ID. Showing the importance of applying ethical practices and ensuring all employees are held accountable for their actions can be done by one taking the time to figure out a way to minimize dilemmas or issues caused by employees within an organization and handling those dilemmas at the lowest level. The concepts used in the simulation game can relate to this authors workplace, being part of a family construction company many distance family members or friends of friends of the family will take full advantage of the company. A good example of younger family members taking advantage would be leaving the workplace early, using company property outside of the work zone, using the name of the company in supply house to benefit one’s personal needs. One example of this would be a distance cousin of one of the owners was a wonderful working, however after years of working for the company the owner started to receive phone calls from homeowners asking for repairs to be done to brand new systems installed by this distance cousin who were not in the database of the company, come to find out the cousin was doing these jobs on the side using the family business name, buying material using the company credit cards, company vehicle and gas card to get to these locations but none of these new job sites were jobs the owners of the company bid they were all jobs the distant cousin was doing on the side, this is one example of many. What this has done is moved the company away from only hiring family members to hiring outside of the family and only having a few members that work in the field, although everyone in the office is related the men in the field hold the owners on pedisals and this author has not met many employee who do not appreciate the family owned company. The owners continue to prove to each employee family or not that they are needed, the owners go over and bound giving employee advances to help with one’s personal lives, from getting married to buying a car, to smaller needs as in lunches, jackets every winter, making sure they have good work boots, gloves, hats and anything else they made need to safely complete the task at hand.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Information Use
The design of Information flow and security Is a major concern In any enterprise. Without consistent and proper flow then statistical or decisional errors may occur. Therefore, the design of the information stream is a chief concern of the Information technologist. It is also important to safeguard the data from inappropriate viewing. To that end, it is important to map out the pattern. This example uses a doctor- patient visit in a medical clinic of the twenty-first century.The first bit of the whole comes at the front desk confirming the patient identity and insurance Information. This must be with human Interaction and scanning equipment. Staff verify the ID cards and scan Insurance cards Into the record. There is a lot of personal information just in this step alone. This information proceeds to the triage nurse who takes the vital signs. Then the data and the patient proceed to the provider for the actual visit. Currently, there are already three people who can compromise the in formation and its security.Incorrect data entry and wrong patient are the most common information errors. The remediation for these Is double-checking the information at the point of entry or using more automated means such as vital signs sensors connected to the data system. The security is physical in nature. The identification must be assured in the first place, and the insurance records accurate and safeguarded. Remember, the patient's complaints or diagnosis shall be utterly confidential. If the insurance data is incorrect or not collected, billing will be incorrect and delayed.This is inconvenient and costly. If the vitals are not correct, it wastes time retaking them. The data must be present and accurate prior to seeing the clinician. The doctor has the responsibility to enter complete Information Into the patient's medical record accurately. This will include deliverables to the pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, the insurer, and others. Each of these risks a potential for in put error increasing time usage and the ultimate cost. The provider enters diagnosis codes in as an alphanumeric decimal fashion.One incorrect character will cause the insurance company not to pay for the visit, the medicine or the procedure. Storage of the data Is for billing, statistics and historical record. The database Is not onsite for the smaller clinics, necessitating network link to a server. The flow of the Information Is simplistic. It moves from the clinic information, to the server storage with five or six data entry points in the clinic. The data input is the most important aspect. Would it be reasonable for the patient to pay for prescriptions when an input error caused insurance not to cover it?Of course, this is wrong, but it happens all the time. What would happen If entry of the procedure code were for an uninsured technique? If his happened repetitively, the patients would stop using the practice. The security mentioned above is a physical issue during the patien t visit. However, patient privacy and data security is the penultimate concern in the medical profession. This applies to the billing and insurance data and the diagnosis. Consider this: a hacker changes the mentioned coding. Alternatively, the hacker changes the amount due to the practice.Finally, the hacker determines the patient Is chronically taking narcotics; this makes the patient a target for theft. These are all examples of crimes In recent the tools used. The medical profession has a unique security framework. Most medical offices have an independent system for the medical and billing data; as opposed to their communications system (if they even have one). The notion of not having internet in the office is foreign to most, but it does improve the security of records. Therefore, the transmission phase of the figures to the server is the weak link in the chain.Virtual Private Networks (VPN, Tunneling) ensure secure transmission if partnered with encryption. The information ar rives securely at the data farm where physical and virtual protection is by the best possible applications and structures. It is accessible only by the firm who stored it and via VPN. Stored data security is easy when there is not an internet connection. However, data transfer is over a VPN, which utilizes the internet, subjects the data to interception. It also means the server is susceptible to intrusion. Therefore, the server farm maintains high security for the files.A fence and gate with security checkpoints and guards round the building. Additionally, the server room has cipher-key locks and security doors. Remember, physical security is as important and virtual security. Therefore, the servers have exceptional mallard protection. There are both physical and virtual firewalls and monitoring software. These form a fortress of protection for the medical data. The final piece of fortification is a honey pot. This attracts the hackers and makes them believe they have found the rea l servers. This is a good defensive strategy for the medical data.The data flows from the patient through the clinic staff and into the server under heavy guard. Specified personnel retrieve data for billing, auditing and statistical analysis. The entered data is double-checked and passes down the chain of care in the clinic and eventually transmitted to and stored in the server farm. Trained professionals, computer structure and applications keep the data from misuse during this process. Though this scheme is bulky and expensive, it effectively ensures data accuracy and integrity from source to archive.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
What Benjamin Franklin Omitted From His Autobiography essays
What Benjamin Franklin Omitted From His Autobiography essays Benjamin Franklins autobiography gave the readers a small insight of society into the eighteenth century versus how society is viewed today as a whole. Throughout the entire autobiography he chronologically orders events from the time that he was a small boy growing into the age of a man. Thus giving the reader the option to compare his or her life with that of Mr. Franklins and connect to his reading based on experiences. It is noticed that in the eighteenth century they seemed to be more of a working society than of todays society. Although people in todays society still do work, it has become more of a managerial society instead of blue-collar jobs in which people work just to support the well being of them and their family. Making this judgment is a clear view that present day America is very spoiled in their actions and thinking. If you compare a twelve year old boy in the eighteen century he would already be starting to work as an apprentice or start to be bred into a job with great option to attend school or choose his field; in the present day a child would still be in school and if he were taken from school to be put to work many organizations of the community, government and society would be raising a fit that he is being taken from education. An education back centuries ago was seen as learning a job that was beneficial, usually one that has been in the family for many generations. In Fran klins case he had several brothers who were put into different fields of apprenticeships. The autobiography tells the story of his childhood in which he watched his brothers grow into these other fields while his father would not let him choose as first nor support his own decision on what he wanted to do in life. It gave examples of what they did and even told that he had a sister through the fact that he had a brother-in-law and I clearly confirm that because back then gay marriage was completely unaccept...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Great News Web Widgets for Your Blog or Website
Great News Web Widgets for Your Blog or Website So youve got your news blog or website up and running but you want to spice it up a bit. A web widget can do just that. What Are Web Widgets? Web widgets are simply little pieces of code that you can copy and paste into your website, blog or social networking site. There are thousands of widgets available for free online, focusing on virtually every topic imaginable. Why Should I Use Web Widgets? Web widgets can add interest to your website or blog by providing content that complements the material youve created. For instance, if your blog focuses on local politics, you can add a widget that focuses on state or national politics. If you cover high school sports, you can add a widget that follows the pro teams. Widgets can provide the kind of news content that would be difficult for a student or citizen journalist to cover. How Do I Use Web Widgets? You can find detailed instructions on using web widgets on-line, but usually, its just as simple and copying and pasting a bit of code into your website or blog. And while there are hundreds of ready-made news widgets to choose from, you can also customize widgets to fit the look of your site, or even create your own. Below is a list of sites where you can find news widgets. There are much more out there, so dont be afraid to search for what you need. General News CBS News - The network offers widgets in many categories. Associated Press - A widget from the U.S. wire service. The New York Times - Breaking news from the newspaper. CNN - News from the cable network. Fox News - Breaking news from the cable network. USA Today - A variety of widgets from the newspaper. Politics USA Today Politics CNN Political Ticker Politico Live Pulse - News from the politics website. Business and Economic News CNN Money - Business and financial information. Wall St. Journal Sports USA Today Sports Make Your Own There are also widget sites that host dozens of widgets in a variety of categories. You can pick pre-made widgets or even create and customize your own. Widgetbox - Search from this sites collection of hundreds of widgets, or make your own. Google - The search engine offers dozens of widgets in different categories. Wordpress - Widgets for those who have Wordpress blogs. Follow me on Facebook Twitter
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Homeostasis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Homeostasis - Assignment Example the brain receives signals about this change in the energy demand, a negative feedback mechanism works to regulate it back to regular levels (Kelliher & Media, 2011). Energy creation requires oxygen so the more you run, the more energy is used which causes the breathing rate to increase so that there is enough energy for the cells. This increased demand for oxygen and energy means that the negative feedback loop will increase the blood pressure and breathing rate so that the blood is oxygenated quickly and is delivered to the contracting muscle tissue (Sherwood, 2008). During exercise, aerobic oxidation of glucose takes place initially which means that the rate of oxygen uptake is enough to meet the oxygen and energy demands. However as we continue to run, anaerobic oxidation starts which causes the breathing rate to increase further and this causes an oxygen deficit and lactic acid build up (Sherwood, 2008). Once you stop running and rest, your body’s negative feedback loop works to regain stability and remove the Lactic Acid by oxidizing it. This is known as post exercise oxygen consumption which would explain why Farah was still breathing heavily during the interview. It was because the negative feedback loop was working to ensure an increased amount of oxygen uptake to remove the oxygen deficit and oxidize the Lactic Acid (Sherwood,
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