Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Public Restrooms Should Be Public Facilities - 2153 Words
Where do you go to the bathroom when you are in North Carolina? Public restrooms should be available to all people in the public. North Carolina passed House Bill 2, people are now required by law to use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex on their birth certificate. This was a target for transgender people using public bathrooms. The few exceptions are for custodial purposes, a person needing medical assistance, a minor under the age of seven, and a person that has been temporarily designated for use by that person’s biological sex. This bill also takes away your right to sue the state for discrimination. The problem with this law is that it discriminates against transgender people. The fear is that cisgender males will dress up as†¦show more content†¦The governor has made public statements that this was proposed, passed, and signed into law to overturn Charlottes’ ordinance and to ensure transgender individuals would not be permitted to access public bathrooms. Before the city ordinance could become a law the state passed a law that Jane Wettach states â€Å"nullified local ordinances around the state that would have expanded protections for the LGBT community†(Duke). This law that North Carolina passed allows for discrimination and takes away our rights. When you are discriminated against for your, race, gender, sexual orientation, you are no longer allowed to sue the state for discrimination. Warrants based on logos, ethos or pathos, or values that are assumed to be shared with the listener. Pictures of transgender males in a female bathroom are appearing on the internet. Also, pictures of transgender females in a male bathroom. Get ready to start seeing what looks like a male in the female bathroom and vice versa. How is anybody supposed to know who is transgender and who is in the bathroom to prey on the opposite sex? Police do not have any guidelines for checking if your genitals match your birth certificate. In North Carolina, if you have sex reassignment surgery, then you can have your birth certificate amended. Nevertheless, if you have the surgery and are from a state that does not allow birth certificate amendments, then you still must utilize the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Nature Vs Nurture Is It Nature Working With Nurture
Is the question really Nature versus Nurture or is it Nature working with Nurture? These two forces work together to form a person throughout his or her life. Some scientists believe that personality is based on genetic predispositions, which is known as nature. Other scientists believe the way a person acts is from life experiences, the way a person is taught, and the environment in which a person grew up is known as nurture. In all honesty, the two go hand in hand. One side may pull a bit harder from time to time but the two never fully let go. According to John Watson, one of the strongest psychologists who propose environmental learning as a dominating side in the nature versus nurture debate once said that he can be able to train a baby randomly chosen in a group of 12 infants, to become any type of specialist Watson wants. He stated that he could train him to be such regardless of the child s potentialities, talents and race. Lerner (2002) expressed a similar position that huma n behavior cannot be fully understood without mentioning the changing relationship between human and the contextual environment. Nature and nurture have influences towards many aspects such as, personality, intelligence and physical development. The age-old question of whether nature or nurture determines a person’s behavior seems finally to have been decided slightly more in favor of Mother Nature. A gene is only a probability for a given trait, not a guarantee (Underwood, 1997). ForShow MoreRelatedThe Nature Vs. Nurture1463 Words  | 6 PagesT What can we define as Human Nature and Nurture? The Nature vs. Nurture has been a long never ending debate for some time now. Nature vs Nurture has been so profoundly debated, that now it’s unclear whether what makes us who we are and what we do, nature or nurture. For purposes of this essay Nature is going to be defined as characteristics we acquire through our genetic and biological factors, while that Nurture is going to be defined characteristics we acquire through our interactions and influencesRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Addiction1102 Words  | 5 Pages Nature vs. Nurture: Addiction Introduction Psychology is a developing science which studies the mental functions, processes, and behaviors of an individual. In the science of psychology, many debates arise; nature vs. nurture is one of the most popular ones. These psychological debates are followed by research, backing up either nature or nurture or both. Nature suggest heredity impacts human psychological development; nurture suggests the environment impacts our psychologicalRead MoreGandhi: Explanations of Nature and Nurture Essay786 Words  | 4 Pages Nature vs. Nurture The relative contributions of nature and nurture are an apparent part of human development which makes us ask the question, are heredity and environment opposing forces?(Sternberg 100) The question of nature vs. nurture can be examined and can be attempted to be comprehended in many ways. Our stand on which theory is the correct one is obviously a matter of opinion and makes us wonder if only one of them is truly correct. Nurture seems to be the e xplanation that holds the mostRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology1194 Words  | 5 Pages(2014). Adoptive parent hostility and children’s peer behavior problems: Examining the role of genetically informed child attributes on adoptive parent behavior. Developmental Psychology, 50(5), 1543-1552. This source goes against the belief that nature and nurture even paly that much of a significant role in the way children grow up to portray themselves. Elam and Shaw say that it’s all about personal choices. They feel that through their recent discoveries that this is proven to be substantial. For theRead More Nature vs Nurture Essay804 Words  | 4 PagesNature vs Nurture In his book, the universally acclaimed and bestseller The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins presents his viewpoint that living organisms are but survival machines, that the individual [is a] selfish machine, programmed to do whatever is best for its gene as a whole. In fact, this is the central concept in his book that he brings across. An individuals behaviour and actions are 100% determined by its genes and the individual behaves in accordance to ensure the best persistenceRead MoreChild Development: Heredity and Environment1240 Words  | 5 Pagesbetween nature versus nurture or even environment versus heredity leads to the question of: does the direct environment or the nature surrounding an adolescent directly influence acts of delinquency, later progressing further into more radical crimes such as murder or psychotic manifestation, or is it directly linked to the hereditary traits and genes passed down from that individual adolescent’s biological parents? To answer this question one must first understand the difference between nature, nurtureRead MoreThe Theories Of Schizophreni Dopamine, Glutamate, Brain Abnormalities, And Nature Vs. Nurture813 Words  | 4 PagesThe four theories that are behind the cause of schizophrenia as referenced in the PowerPoint are Dopamine, Glutamate, Brain Abnormalities, and Nature vs. Nurture / More than one cause. 1. Dopamine Definition Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. It is one of the chemicals that is responsible for transmitting signals between the neurons of the brain. However, very few of those neurons actually produce dopamine. ( Theory The main theory concerning dopamine is that too much it canRead MoreThe Development Of Women s Rights1418 Words  | 6 Pagesmore power in the workforce than they did in the 1950s. Second, young females have more opportunities to express themselves to find their true social identity, through aggressive feminism or normative feminism. Finally, how the impact of the nature vs. nurture debate to help persuade a child’s choice in building of their identity. Girls growing up today have more variety of opportunities than girls many years ago. One impact of a change in society, for example, was the development of women’s rightsRead MoreThe Concepts Of Nature Vs Nurture1273 Words  | 6 Pages The concepts of Nature vs Nurture, are major concepts in social science. Nature is the hereditary pattern of physical features in a human being s development. These features include, but are not limited to, our personality, usual and unusual appearances and the general measurements of how humans hold the attributes of being sociable, hostile behavior, their emotions, and the usage of alcohol and drugs. On the other hand Nurture is slightly different. Nurture is the influence of the environmentRead MorePsychology : Nature Vs Nurture869 Words  | 4 Pagesinfluence of nature versus nurture on personal development, introversion or extroversion, and introspection have provided more insight into the way people think and interact with others and the environment. An age-long research topic in Psychology has been the issue of nature versus nurture issue. Nature versus nurture refers to the extent to which an individual’s genetics (inherited traits) or immediate society affects his or her personal growth. A very vivid example of the role nature or nurture plays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cultural Competency Definitions free essay sample
A paper to inform development of Cultural Competency Framework for First Nations and Aboriginal Peoples of British Columbia, Canada Cultural Definitions in health care – what does it all mean? There are many definitions and iterations of culture in health care – all with different meanings but many with overlaps. In order to develop a Cultural competency framework, it will be important for stakeholders to agree on what ‘cultural competency’ means and the differences, similarities or connections between this term and others used in different contexts. Any agency or institution using the terms(s) needs to state their own definitions so it is clear to their own readers, users, students or staff – what they mean when they apply the terms. The mostly commonly used terms associated with cultural competency are: ? Cultural responsiveness ?Cultural appropriateness ?Cultural awareness ?Cultural sensitivity ?Cultural safety ?Cultural competency Often these terms have been used interchangeably for training purposes – when in fact the training content has sometimes been the same or very similar. Culture General Definitions of Culture It is important to define what is meant by culture. Definitions of culture are often confused by using terminology such as ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ but a basic definition of culture reveals a far broader understanding. One definition of culture is: The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population and can be expressed in intellectual and artistic activity and in the works produced by the ‘culture’ or ‘culture group’ Culture is essentially a convenient way of describing the ways members of a group understand each other and communicate that understanding. More often than not, the nuances of meaning are generated by behavior rather than words, and much of the interaction between members is determined by shared values operating at an unconscious or ‘take for granted’ level. Many groups have their own distinctive culture: the elderly, the poor, professional groups, gangs, the army . Websters Third New International Unabridged Dictionary defines culture as the total pattern of human behavior and its products embodied in thought, speech, action, and artifacts and dependent upon mans capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations through the use of tools, language, and systems of abstract thought. Culture is increasingly recognized as a crucial variable in the delivery of health care services. Diagnosis and treatment planning and implementation require special skills and sensitivities when the health care practitioner and the patient are from different cultures. In ‘Critical Cultural Perspectives and Health Care Involving Aboriginal Peoples (Browne Varcoe, UBC) the authors examine the complexities inherent in attempting to define culture. Specifically they examine the problems that can arise when culture is defined too narrowly or from a culturalist perspective and the implications of applying narrow definitions of culture in the area of Aboriginal health. To counter these tendencies toward narrow understandings of culture, they propose a ‘critical cultural perspective’ as one way of broadening nurses understandings about the complexities of culture and the many facets of culture that require critical consideration. The following is an abridged version of their article. Browne and Varcoe argue that the question for those involved in health care is: how do understandings of culture shape our attempts to respond to cultural issues or cultural needs and what are the implications for nursing practice with Aboriginal peoples? They note that in todays political context, the concept of democratic racism helps to explain how Canadians can hold negative, racialized views of Aboriginal peoples while at the same time espousing liberal principles of equality, tolerance, fairness and justice (Henry et al, 2000). Democratic racism refers to an ideology in which two sets of values coexist yet fundamentally conflict that is, members of the dominant society espouse outward commitments to democratic principles of egalitarianism, colour blindness and equal opportunity, and at the same time, operate on the basis of discriminatory attitudes (Henry et al 2000). This does not imply that members of society are intentionally discriminatory or are even aware of the biases they hold. As Henry et al (2000: 383) explains, organizations and institutions are: filled with individuals who are deeply committed to their professional work, who are regarded as highly skilled practitioners, who believe themselves to be liberal human beings and yet they unknowingly, unwittingly contribute to racial inequality. In Canada, the models of cultural sensitivity and cultural competence that continue to predominate are founded on the ideals of multiculturalism (Doane Varcoe 2005a). Cultural sensitivity thus emerges as one of the central practices of multiculturalism. Given the value placed on multiculturalism in countries such as Canada, the USA, Australia, and the UK, it is not surprising that cultural sensitivity has become the predominant model in nursing and health care. As Newhouse (2004: 12) explains: most non-Aboriginal people are still caught up in the stereotypical images they see in the media and overlook emerging Aboriginal modernity, viewing Aboriginal people in cultural terms while Aboriginal people see themselves in cultural and political terms. To illustrate his point, Newhouse refers to a recent Canadian survey, which suggests that most Canadians believe that it is beneficial to all Canadians that the distinctive cultures of Aboriginal peoples remain strong. In Newhouses words, this finding largely represents an endorsement of Aboriginal culture as all singing, all dancing, 24/7. By this, Newhouse means that although Canadians would agree that Aboriginal peoples have a right to practice and express their culture- through singing and dancing all they want t]ension arises when aboriginal people express a desire and act as more than just a cultural group, when we want to do more than just sing and dance, when we want to develop institutions of governance and when we want our institutions to be visible, respected and paid attention to. (Newhouse 2004: 12) Assumptions about Aboriginal peoples and Aboriginal culture organized quite narrowly around notions of singing and dancing as markers of Aboriginality can also be given expression in clinical settings. In a recent study conducted in a Canadian hospital where there is a high proportion of First Nations people, nurses discussed their experiences providing care to some of the First Nations patients they encountered (Browne 2003). A nurse in this study seemed to speak with reverence about patients spirituality: RN: I find I cannot think of a Native person I have ever looked after that was not a gentle person. I really cant. They are very gentle people.. I think my basic premise, especially with elderly Native people, is that they have a wisdom and a spirituality that many of us, I think, never achieve. They just know things. And I am very respectful of that and how that is viewed by the other members of their family. These descriptions could be interpreted as romanticizing or exoticizing First Nations culture; the cultural gaze could be interpreted as a colonial gaze. Fascination with Aboriginal elders and spirituality has the potential to reinforce representations of Aboriginal peoples as exotic. In the health care context, assumptions about Aboriginal peoples as dependent on the system or as incapable become linked to assumptions about Aboriginal patients as dependent on pain medications, or as necessarily struggling with addictions, or as less than capable of caring for themselves, or as irresponsible in relation to their families or children (Browne 2003; 2005). Despite the emphasis in health care on culturally sensitive approaches, or perhaps in part because of the ideas underlying such approaches, assumptions about Aboriginal peoples founded on popularized, narrow conceptualizations of Aboriginal culture make it ripe for health care providers to relate to Aboriginal peoples poorly. While at first glance cultural sensitivity seems a laudable approach, it leaves health care providers open to drawing upon stereotypes and generalized assumptions in their practice. Viewing culture from a critical cultural perspective helps to remind us that people enact their culture differently, depending on their situation or context. When we are called on as health professionals to deliver cultural programs, or culturally-sensitive services, we must first give critical consideration to how we are conceptualizing culture and become better attuned to the blind spots that may affect our perspectives when we are influenced by a narrow view of culture. Our arguments are intended to draw attention to the problems inherent in adopting the narrow definitions of culture embedded in cultural sensitivity models, and how these narrow understandings can perpetuate stereotypes about particular ethno-cultural groups in this case Aboriginal peoples. Unlike New Zealand, where nurses are required to learn about cultural safety, the historical roots of present day inequities, and marginalizing practices in health care (Nursing Council of New Zealand 2002; Papps Ramsden 1996; Remsen 1993; 2000), no such formal strategies exist in Canada, the USA, the UK, or Australia. Unfortunately, in the absence of competing frames of reference, nurses will continue to draw on established theories of culture underpinned as they are by culturalist discourses to interpret the presumed health and social needs of Aboriginal peoples. Cultural responsiveness extends beyond language to include a much larger set of professional attitudes, knowledge, behaviours and practices, and organizational policies, standards and performance management mechanisms to ensure responsiveness to the diversity of patients who walk through health services’ doors . Sasso / Stanger recommend three types of ‘enablers’ to improve accessibility to health care: †¢Enablers for access (e. g. interpreters, bi-lingual staff) †¢Enablers for cultural responsiveness (e. g. iverse staff; standards and guidelines for culturally responsive care; ethnic data collection) †¢Enablers for comprehensiveness (e. g. community profiles and needs assessments; community engagement and partnerships) These can be summarized into the following enablers of a responsive health care system: -Communication and Awareness -Public policies – external [factors] -Databases – data, key contacts -Community engagement -Policies and Standards -Community Development and Engagement -Reflective workforce -Outreach programs – bi-cultural / bi-lingual advocates Training for Service providers: Cultural Competency and Awareness -Language services – interpreting and translations [of paper-based information] Cultural responsiveness takes on an organizational focus – it focuses on the ability of the system or institution to be culturally competent. The National Respite Network (US) produced a fact sheet (October 1997) defining ‘cultural responsiveness’ in family services. In it, cultural responsiveness is defined as ‘being aware of, and capable of functioning in, the context of cultural difference’. It is an essential tool in moving personal and professional interactions beyond racial assessments to cultural relevancy. Cultural responsiveness can aid in differentiating the limitations in family functioning that may be caused by poverty, the environment, and/or culture from those due to unhealthy family conditions or behaviors. Culturally responsive approaches must include information, activities, and practice opportunities that interweave family centered practice are vital. The National Respite Networks has developed its own framework for cultural responsiveness in respite and crisis care which: †¢includes principles that support personal and organizational strategies that expand the knowledge base on culture and managing diversity †¢presents cultural sensitivity and the dynamics of diversity as not only best practice but also as a personal enrichment activity, and †¢highlights community-based resources as reliable contacts for culture specific information and services. The three main focal points of program design that can facilitate the development of culturally responsive services are organizational structure, policies, and procedures; the training curricula; and, supervisory and staff roles and responsibilities. These are summarized in the Appendices. In New Zealand’s Department of Corrections ‘Maori Cultural Responsiveness Policy’ (2005) the agency states that since indigenous] Maori make up a disproportionately high percentage of the offender base, there are specific milestones in the Departments business plans which address the development of interventions, targeted towards reducing re-offending by Maori. Further the policy states that ‘All employees need to recognise and respond appropriately to the needs, aims and aspirations of the diverse cultural and ethnic groups to whom we provide services, or whose members are in our custody. The Departments aim is to have a culturally responsive workforce that contribute to the achievement of the Departments overall goal of reducing re-offending and specific focus on reducing re-offending by Maori’. Cultural Appropriateness Culturally appropriate care is tangible, action oriented, and respectful of diverse cultural practices . It includes the physical structure and environment, how a program or service is delivered and by whom, and it provides choices relative to how each person experiences culture. A culturally competent doctor will have an awareness of cultural diversity and the ability to function effectively, and respectfully, when working with and treating people of different cultural background, They will acknowledge: †¢That British Columbia has a culturally diverse population †¢That a doctors culture and belief systems influence his or her interactions with patients and accepts this may impact on the doctor-patient relationship †¢That a positive patient outcome is achieved when a doctor and patient have mutual respect and understanding. The Australian Institute of Family Studies (Bromfield et al, 2003) defined cultural appropriateness as: ‘Behaviours, attitudes and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals to enable effective practice with members of a cultural or ethnic group†Professor David Thomas (2002) defines cultural appropriateness as: â€Å"the delivery of programmes and services so that they are consistent with the communication styles, meaning systems and social networks of clients, or program participants or other stakeholders’ In studying the cultural appropriateness of evaluation methods used in Australia he found little evidence over a 10 year period of ‘culturally appropriate’ activity being integrated into research projects – there were ‘cross-cultural’ and ‘international perspectives’ incorporated, but very little that was considered culturally appropriate or relevant for indigenous Australians. This was not the case in New Zealand however. Most evaluations addressed the Treaty of Waitangi; Maori health or other socio-economic needs; and incorporated other culturally appropriate mechanisms such as community consultation with Maori; incorporating Maori belief systems and values; ensuring Maori participation in evaluation design, implementation and dissemination. Cultural Awareness. The National Aboriginal Health Organisation (NAHO, 2006) states in its ‘Position Statement on Cultural Competency and Safety’, that currently the dominant discourse is on cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity. These concepts largely focus on increasing the health provider’s knowledge of various cultural beliefs or trends (Papps, 2005). While NAHO supports cultural awareness as an important part of cultural safety, it aims to emphasise that awareness is only a starting point of the learning continuum. Cultural safety is near the end point of this continuum. It is therefore important to note the distinctions between cultural awareness, cultural competence and cultural safety. The provision of culturally safe care involves lifelong learning and continuing competence. Cultural safety is the outcome of culturally competent care. The Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada and Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (IPAC-AFMC) state in their draft paper on core cultural competencies for under-graduate medical education that ‘cultural safety takes us beyond: †¢Cultural awareness – the acknowledgement of difference †¢Cultural sensitivity – the recognition of the importance of respecting difference, and †¢Cultural competence – which focuses on the skills, knowledge and attitudes of practitioners While these three approaches have contributed to IPAC-AFMC’s understanding of the need to attend to a patient’s culture, there are real limitations and concerned associated with them. A central tenet of cultural safety is that it is the patient who defines what ‘safe service’ means to them. Cultural safety is different from cultural competence in that the personal reflection space is added to address the attitudinal dimension of learning. The Millbrook First Nation Band (Nova Scotia) state, in conjunction with their online ‘Aboriginal Cultural Awareness’ program for CESO, that the goal of â€Å"Aboriginal cultural awareness is to help non-Aboriginal people work with Aboriginal people in ways that convey respect for Aboriginal cultures and understanding of the issues that are important to First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples. It is about relationship-building. †The Centre for Diversity in Ageing in Australia noted that cultural awareness was an essential skill in the provision of culturally appropriate services. Cultural awareness entails ‘an understanding of how a person’s culture may inform their values, behaviour, beliefs and basic assumptions’. Cultural awareness recognises that ‘we are all shaped by our cultural background, which influences how we interpret the world around us, perceive ourselves and relate to other people. You don’t need to be an expert in every culture or have all the answers to be culturally aware; rather, cultural awareness helps you to explore cultural issues with your care recipients more sensitively’. Cultural Sensitivity Being culturally sensitive involves having an understanding and appreciation of the consequences of European contact on Aboriginal people. With loss of language and externally imposed denial of ancestry came a sense of confusion and loss of self-esteem, which resulted in alcoholism and traditions not being passed down . Despite the length of time Europeans have been here, there is still a lack of understanding about Aboriginal people and their circumstances. They still negatively judge Aboriginal people based on blanket assumptions and negative stereotypes rather than considering each person’s unique circumstances. The general public assumes that Aboriginal people have everything given to them and should be rich. However, these ‘gifts’ have had the negative impacts of loss of self-esteem, language and connections to land and tradition. The Healing Ways Aboriginal Health and Service Review, October 1999 gave an in-depth view of culturally appropriate and sensitive care. Sensitive health care for Aboriginal people is based on relationships that extend from a shared understating of the effects of history and respect for life ways that are different. Culturally appropriate health care is tangible, action oriented, and is founded on respect for diverse cultural practices. Focus groups were held to discuss this and according to the participants relationships between an Aboriginal person and service provider are critical. Connections based on mutual respect and a feeling of comfort and safety are important but often absent. A lack of respectful communication comes across as patronizing and is often based on stereotypes about Aboriginal people. Physical actions can also be intimidating. For example, standing over someone with arms folded, asking questions too quickly, and not waiting for an answer discourages communication. Aboriginal people tend to have a more reflective and deliberate speech pattern then non-Aboriginal people. In ‘Critical Cultural Perspectives and Health Care Involving Aboriginal Peoples’ (Browne Varcoe, UBC) state that ‘despite a growing body of critical scholarship in nursing, the concept of culture continues to be applied in ways that diminish the significance of power relations and structural constraints on health and health care’. The writers took a critical look at how assumptions and ideas underpinning conceptualizations of culture and cultural sensitivity can influence nurses perceptions of Aboriginal peoples and Aboriginal health. Their specific aims were to: a. consider some of the limitations of cultural sensitivity in relation to health care involving Aboriginal peoples; b. explore how ideas about culture have the potential to become problematic in nursing practice with Aboriginal peoples; and c. xplore the relevance of a critical cultural approach in extending our understanding of culture in relation to Aboriginal peoples health. Browne and Varcoe note that the need for greater cultural sensitivity was endorsed in a national Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada. The Commission also identified Aboriginal health as a particular priority, and specific mention was made about the need for training for non-Aboriginal health care providers to learn their [Aboriginal] particular needs and culture (Romanow 2002: 220). Calls for culturally sensitive programs and services continue to abound, and nurses working in Aboriginal communities or with Aboriginal patients and families are under increasing pressure to provide culturally sensitive care. In ‘Understanding Governance in Strong Aboriginal Communities: Phase One: Principles and Best Practices from the Literature: Institute of Governance in collaboration with York University CESA Aboriginal Services, Saskatchewan Federated Indian College, 1999 – the writers note several ‘best practices’ for agencies working in multi-cultural settings. They state that ‘culture training for Managers has been largely neglected in the past. Emphasis is increasingly being placed on this important aspect of cooperative venture management and that managers of cross-cultural partnerships should be sensitized to ‘the impact of culture on behavior, and have some background on the social, economic, political environment and history’ of the partner. They further state that is important for managers to understand their own culture and the implications it has on their behavior and relationships with others. Cultural Safety The term â€Å"Cultural Safety†was developed in the 1980s in New Zealand by a Maori nurse the late Irihapeti Ramsden as a topic of her thesis. The term was developed in response to the indigenous Maori peoples’ discontent with nursing care. Maori nursing students and Maori national organisations supported the theory of â€Å"cultural safety†which upheld political ideas of self determination and de-colonisation of Maori people. Cultural safety was controversial when it was first introduced to public health and academic communities in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Criticisms voiced in the media claimed that Nursing schools, by adopting mandatory cultural safety curriculum, were â€Å"force-feeding†culture and indoctrinating nursing students with specific political views. Despite the opposition, in 1990 the Nursing Council of New Zealand incorporated cultural safety in its curriculum assessment processes, and nursing school examinations began testing student comprehension of the concept. The Council’s current document outlining its position on Cultural Safety is entitled â€Å"Guidelines for Cultural Safety, the Treaty of Waitangi, and Maori Health in Nursing and Midwifery Education and Practice. Trans-cultural nursing is the most common theoretical approach to cultural skills in education in Canadian nursing schools. It differs in a number of ways, including in origin, from the newer concept of cultural safety. Trans-cultural nursing was developed from the perspective by dominant (European, white) culture, whereas cultural safe ty was developed by non-dominant Maori peoples reacting to negative experiences in the health and nursing system. The National Aboriginal Health Organisation (NAHO) of Canada, in its position statement on cultural competency and safety, defines cultural safety as ‘what is felt or experienced by a patient when a health care provider communicates with the patient in a respectful, inclusive way, empowers the patient in decision-making and builds a health-care relationship where the patient and provider work together as a team to ensure maximum effectiveness of care’. NAHO further states that the achievement of cultural safety requires twofold change: †¢Micro-level building of cultural competence in health care providers (workers) and systemic change in health education curriculum; and †¢adoption of cultural safety standards of care by national accreditation bodies at the macro-level NAHO has developed a Fact Sheet on Cultural Safety. While acknowledging the work of Ramsden and its application in New Zealand (particularly within the nursing profession), they have identified ‘transcultural’ nursing as the common theoretical approach to cultural skills education in Canadian nursing schools. NAHO states that ‘cultural safety is an evolving term and a definition has not been finalised’. However the Nursing Council of New Zealand has defined culturally unsafe practice as â€Å"any actions that diminish, demean or disempower the cultural identity and well-being of an individual†. NAHO’s fact sheet states that â€Å"Cultural safety moves beyond the concept of cultural sensitivity to analyzing power imbalances, institutional discrimination, colonization and relationships with colonizers, as they apply to health care. NAHO further states that there is â€Å"much confusion and ongoing debate about how cultural safety differs from other concepts like cultural competency, cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity and cultural appropriateness. Each of these terms has many definitions and it is difficult to gauge how they overlap. †The fact sheet highlights that Ramsden views the terms on a continuum – noting that cultural awareness is the beginning step in the learning process (understanding difference) and cultural sensitivity is an intermediate step (self exploration begins). Cultural safety is the final outcome of the process where a [nurse] practitioner can provide safe care when interacting with patients from other cultures. Ramsden further argues that ‘cultural safety requires that nurses become respectful of nationality, culture, age, sex, political and religious beliefs’ while transcultural / multicultural nursing care encourages nurses to deliver service irrespective of these aspects of a patient. Cultural safety recognizes the nurse as the bearer of their own culture and attitudes, and that nurses consciously or unconsciously exercise power over patients. NAHO’s fact sheet goes on to state that â€Å"many academics maintain that cultural safety in the mainstream health system cannot be achieved by individual interactions. Rather, it depends on meaningful participation of Aboriginal people in the decision-making processes that allow transfer of power to Aboriginal governments (Browne, Fisk, Thomas 2001). NAHO has also developed a document â€Å"Guidelines for Health Care Administrators, Providers and Educators: Cultural Competency and Safety: A First Nations, Inuit and Metis Context†document which has been widely promoted including through the internet. NAHO uses the US Department of Health and Human Services’ definition of cultural competency (cited elsewhere in this report). In NAHO’s guideline, the writers note that ‘cultural safety within an indigenous context, means the health professional / Administrator / educator – whether indigenous or not – can communicate competently with a patient in that patient’s social, political, linguistic, economic and spiritual realm’. Interestingly, NAHO’s guidelines are based upon the ‘Tikanga (Customs and Traditions) Best Practice Guidelines;’ developed by the Waikato District Health Board of New Zealand. In New Zealand, Professor Mason Durie, a well-known commentator, researcher and practitioner in Maori health, aimed to define the difference between cultural safety and cultural competency in as address to the Australian and New Zealand Medical Councils. He stated that â€Å"although the differences between cultural competence and cultural safety are probably outweighed by their similarities, they have quite distinct starting points, and in the New Zealand context, quite different histories. Both are about the relationship between the helper and the person being helped, but culturally safety centres of the experiences of the patient (or client) while cultural competence focuses on the capacity of the health worker to improve health status by integrating culture into the clinical context. The point of the exercise is not just to recognize culture – but to be able to maximize gains from a health intervention where the parties are from different cultures. †Durie states that Cultural safety education focuses on teaching students about: †¢Colonial history and impact on indigenous peoples (rather than focusing on customs and beliefs) and helping learners not to blame victims of historical processes for current plights †¢Self-discovery of the student â€Å"what they are bringing to the table in terms of culture, attitudes, values and beliefs††¢Making themselves aware of how they may consciously or unconsciously display attitudes that reflect on their practice and care with people from other cultures. Teach students how to be more self-aware and open-minded Cultural Competency There is significant literature and published materials on the topic of cultural competency – more than any of the other dimensions mentioned in this paper. This is not surprising since most commentators include all of the other domains of culture outlined herein, when describing cultural competency. Health Canada commissioned and published the report â€Å"In Certain Circumstances†Issues in Equity and Responsiveness in Access to Health Care in Canada in 2000. In the section â€Å"Introduction to Cultural Competence in Pediatric Health Care’ the following is noted (the following is summarised from an abridged version of the original report). For years, Canadians have looked with pride to their health care system, as a national symbol of our collective values. There is room for improvement, however, in the provision of Canadian health care. For example, culture can play a significant role in the accessibility of health care and as a result it is essential for health care providers to demonstrate cultural competence. In order to fulfill the principles of the Canada Health Act and satisfy the health care requirements of a diverse nation, the meaning and relevance of cultural competence in health care must be addressed. The Canada Health Act is the framework for health care in Canada. This pivotal piece of legislation stresses the importance of access to health care for all citizens. As such, one of the five principles of the Canada Health Act is the principle of accessibility. Within the context of the Canada Health Act, this principle refers to financial barriers to health. However, the specific text does not fully embody the true meaning of accessibility to health care for Canadians. Other barriers such as the geographic distribution of the population, a lack of specialized health care providers and a lack of interpreters may also create a barrier to access. Further barriers are often the result of cultural differences that give rise to ineffective communication and misunderstandings. Limited communication often results in limited assessment and thus, limited treatment. Communication is an essential aspect of health care. In turn, cultural competence is an important aspect of communication. In order to receive appropriate treatment of the highest quality, it is necessary for clients from all cultural backgrounds and linguistic profiles to be able to voice their individual needs, within their specific context, to a health care provider. When information has been successfully communicated by the client and understood by the health care provider, there is greater likelihood that the client will be able to access and receive the necessary care. There are a number of other definitions from Canada and internationally that aim to describe â€Å"cultural competence†. T Cross et al (1989) defines cultural competence as: Cultural competence is a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system or agency or among professionals that enable effective interactions in a cross-cultural framework. The Seattle King County Department of Public Health (1994) defines cultural competence as: Cultural Competency is the ability of individuals and systems to respond respectfully and effectively to people of all cultures, classes, races, ethnic backgrounds and religions in a manner that recognizes, affirms, and values the cultural differences and similarities and the worth of individuals, families, and communities and protects and preserves the dignity of each. †The University of California, San Francisco describes cultural competency as: A set of practice skills, knowledge and attitude that must encompass 5 elements: †¢awareness and acceptance of difference; awareness of ones own cultural values; †¢understanding of the dynamics of difference; †¢development of cultural knowledge; †¢ability to adapt practice skills to fit the cultural context of the client or patient In ‘Cultural Sensitivity in Mental Health Nursing’ (2006) cultural competence was defined as being: â€Å"Being associated with four areas – awareness, knowledge, relationships and skills. In order to work with people from diverse cultures who have a mental health disability, the nurse must have cultural competence. †In ‘Cultural Competency in Human Services’ (2007) cultural competence refers to: One’s ability to understand, interact and respond to individuals with different world views or cultures. It differs from cultural awareness or sensitivity in that it is a set of congruent behavior s, attitudes and policies, which come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enables them to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. It includes being sensitive to individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions, sexual orientations, socio-economic status among others. It is reflected in the health professional’s attitude and communication style’. Melies (1999) provides a definition of: ‘Culturally competent care is care that is sensitive to the difference individuals may have in their own experiences and responses due to their heritage, sexual orientation, socioeconomic situation, ethnicity and cultural background. It is care based on understanding how those differences may inform the responses of people and the process of caring for them†Ranzijn (2005) states that ‘you can never achieve cultural competence – it is an ongoing thing because cultures change with time and so too must the approach of the health professional. Ranzijn suggested an approach to cultural competence is defined as a 6 stage process: 1. Cultural incompetence 2. Cultural knowledge 3. Cultural awareness – incorporates elements of self reflection and self awareness 4. Cultural sensitivity – being able to express knowledge and awareness in individual and institutional behaviors. Institutions develop cultural competence as well as individuals 5. Cultural competence – perform appropriate behaviors routinely 6. Cultural proficiency Wells – a past President of the Aboriginal Nurses Association (2000) argued for the extension of cultural competency into cultural proficiency. Wells claimed that cultural competency is not adequate and that cultural proficiency is a higher order concept for institutions in that proficiency indicates mastery of a complex set of skills. Wells would say that the most effective way to achieve cultural proficiency is to maintain an open attitude and interact with people who are different, allowing them to become teachers or coaches. Wells states in her journal article â€Å"Beyond Cultural Competence: A Model for Individual and Institutional Cultural Development†that nursings attention o cultural diversity has been influenced by the changing demographic composition of the U. S. population. She states that nursing must continue to increase awareness and promote attitudinal and behavioral changes that will result in the delivery of culturally appropriate nursing care. The nursing literature includes several models of cultural development to assist nurses and other health care professionals in conducting a cultural assessme nt and incorporating cultural data into nursing care plans. Wells’ article presents a synthesis model of cultural development that illustrates that cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, and cultural competence do not achieve the level of cultural development necessary to meet the health care needs of a diverse population. Cultural proficiency is a concept that extends cultural competence into nursing practice, administration, education, and research. It is a philosophical and behavioral approach to cultural diversity that guides and prescribes individual and institutional behavior toward â€Å"cultural others. Campinha-Bacote (1994) presented a culturally competent model of care with four components on a continuum: (1) cultural awareness, (2) cultural knowledge, (3) cultural skill and (4) cultural encounters. Cultural awareness is defined as having cultural sensitivity and avoiding cultural biases. Cultural knowledge is defined as the care provider understanding the cultural would view and theoretical/conceptual framework of the p atient. Cultural skill is defined as the provider having developed the skill-set to access an individual’s background and formulate a treatment plan that is culturally relevant. Cultural encounters are the processes which allow the health care provider to directly engage in cultural interaction with clients from culturally diverse backgrounds. Additionally the authors provide a checklist of the â€Å"Six A’s for Culturally Responsive Services†as a as keys to providing access of services to underserved and culturally/ ethnically diverse populations. The six A’s are: (1) available, (2) accessible, (3) affordable, (4) acceptable, (5) appropriate, and (6) adoptable. The New Zealand Medical Council opted for cultural competence rather than cultural safety as an area to be emphasized in medical training. Professor Mason Durie, a prominent Maori health researcher and advocate, suggested that ‘cultural competence is about the acquisition of skills to achieve a better understanding of members of other cultures. It is another dimension to the doctor patient relationship that can provide doctors with additional information necessary for better clinical results’. A doctor who is culturally competent can use cultural impacts to improve performance in at least four areas: Domains on Cultural ImpactProfessional Gains Health perspectivesconceptual understanding Valuesprofessional practice Symptom hierarchiesdiagnosis Community capacitytreatment and care Many methods and ideas for teaching and learning cultural competence are found in literature – but there is general agreement that cultural competence happens on affective, cognitive and behavioral levels and that self-awareness is a critical indicator of success. Simulation or role play activities provide a participants with a setting where they can practice communication and problem-solving as well as develop self-awareness (Meltzoff and Lenssen, 2000). Immersion programs are powerful learning experiences at all levels because they allow participants to experience different cultures outside of their usual safe context. Immersion programs are probably the best learning tool but they are expensive and time-consuming. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada and their Aboriginal Health Issues Committee (2000) produced their Guide for Health Professionals Working with Aboriginal peoples, and while they did not refer specifically to ‘cultural competency’ they did suggest some areas of learning that would be necessary for health professionals: 1. Socio-cultural and historical context e. g. learning names of key Aboriginal groups in Canada; basic understanding of Aboriginal demographics; traditional geographic territories of Aboriginal peoples in the areas they serve; basic understanding of colonization and its impacts; basic understanding of Government’s obligations and policies regarding Aboriginal peoples in Canada 2. Health Concerns e. g. appreciation of holistic definitions of health as defined by Aboriginal peoples (e. g. edicine wheel); recognition of key health issues and areas of morbidity and mortality 3. Cross-cultural understanding – building a foundation of mutual respect between Aboriginal peoples and health care providers; recognition and acknowledgement that the current health system has many gaps and barriers for Aboriginal peoples, and advocating for ways to overcome these barriers; providing care in appropriate language where possible; respecting the role of traditional medicines and healers 4. Aboriginal health resources – support community-created programs and services; support community-directed Aboriginal health research; encourage education of Aboriginal health care professionals; recognize the need for preventative programming in Aboriginal communities The Health Resources and Services Administration, a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services, conducted a project to review cultural competence in health care delivery organisations.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lord Of The Flies - Comparison Between Novel And Film Version Essays
Lord of the Flies - Comparison between Novel and Film Version Many novels are so successful that producers can't wait to adapt the story into a film. The majority of times, however, the original novel is much stronger than the movie because it is able to capture the emotions of each character, all the symbols and meaningful events. Due to the novel's flexibility, readers are able to extend the use of their imagination. Similarly, this was the case with William Golding's masterpiece, "The Lord of the Flies." Overall, the novel is far superior to the film because it has thorough descriptions of a character's feelings and depictions of symbolic meaning concerning the objects and important happenings. First of all, the movie version of the classic, "The Lord of the Flies," seems to be lacking in detail involving the characters. Mainly due to the limited length of the movie, a character's role and his feeling are non existent. In the novel, readers can clearly notice how Piggy feels and that he is being treated as an "Outsider" but, in the film version it restricts the audience's comprehension of Piggy's emotions. Similarly, other characters such as Simon and Roger are so unclear in the movie that they may puzzle viewers because the movie fails to distinguish their role. The cinema is unsuccessful in establishing Simon as a "Christ" figure and Roger's murderous nature. On the other hand, the novel installs all these ideas and allows the reader to use their creativity. Therefore, due to the film's inability to give audiences more information about the characters, their role and their emotions, the novel is much more informative. Secondly, the novel is capable of giving readers more insight into the story with the use of symbols and hidden meanings. The novel is able to do this because it depicts important underlying messages and critical incidents. For instance, Piggy's glasses represent civilization, reality and reason but once they are destroyed it demonstrates that the boys aren't finding reason in their actions and civilization is becoming a thing of the past. Another meaningful symbol is the dead parachutist because this suggests that some of the boys have evil within themselves and those boys are gradually becoming the "Beast." The boys are steadily turning devilish and savage like but they don't realize the consequences of their actions. One particular event which plays a significant role in the novel is Simon's death. Simon's annihilation implies that the boys have tipped the boundaries of civilization to such an extent that they can no longer recognize each other and they are killing viciously, like savages. In the novel, all these symbols and events assist in the developing of the plot but in the film version they are all very vague and leaves more to be desired. In conclusion, details involving the characters and meanings related to objects and events are the decisive factors which make the novel considerably better than the film. In addition, leaving out several aspects of the novel also limits the viewer's appreciation for the story. As long as novels continue to flourish, producers and directors will proceed to make them into movies but they should include essential elements of the story so, they too, can be successful. No wonder the novel generated more interest than the film!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Using Verb Tenses in Chinese
Using Verb Tenses in Chinese Western languages such as English have several ways to express tense. The most common are verb conjunctions which change the form of the verb depending on the time frame. For example, the English verb eat can be changed to ate for past actions and eating for current actions. Mandarin Chinese does not have any verb conjugations. All verbs have a single form. For example, the verb for eat is Ã¥ Æ' (chÄ «), which can be used for the past, present, and future. Despite the lack of Mandarin verb conjugations, there are other ways to express timeframes in Mandarin Chinese. State the Date The simplest way to clarify which tense you are speaking in is to directly state the time expression (like today, tomorrow, yesterday) as part of the sentence. In Chinese, this is usually at the beginning of the sentence. For example: æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ Æ'è ± ¬Ã¨â€šâ€°Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Ëœ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ Æ'çÅ' ªÃ¨â€šâ€°Ã£â‚¬â€šZuà ³tiÄ n wÇ’ chÄ « zhÃ… « rà ²u.Yesterday I ate pork. Once the timeframe is established, it is understood and can be omitted from the rest of the conversation. Completed Actions The particle ä ºâ€ (le) is used to indicate that an action occurred in the past and has been completed. Like the time expression, it can be omitted once the timeframe has been established: (æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©)我å Æ'è ± ¬Ã¨â€šâ€°Ã¤ ºâ€ 。(æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©)我å Æ'çÅ' ªÃ¨â€šâ€°Ã¤ ºâ€ 。(Zuà ³tiÄ n) wÇ’ chÄ « zhÃ… « rà ²u le.(Yesterday) I ate pork. The particle ä ºâ€ (le) can also be used for the immediate future, so be careful of its usage and be sure to understand both functions. Past Experience When you have done something in the past, this action can be described with the verb-suffixÂ é Ž / è ¿â€¡ (guà ²). For example, if you want to say that you have already seen the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (è‡ ¥Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾ /Ã¥ §Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾â„¢ - wà ² hdžcng long), you can say: 我å · ²Ã§ ¶â€œÃ§Å"‹é Žè‡ ¥Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾ 我å · ²Ã§ » çÅ"‹è ¿â€¡Ã¥ §Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾â„¢WÇ’ yÇ jÄ «ng kn guà ² wà ² hdžcng long. Unlike the particle ä ºâ€ (le), the verb suffix guà ² (é Ž / è ¿â€¡) is used to talk about an unspecific past. If you want to say that you saw the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon yesterday, you would say: æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã§Å"‹è‡ ¥Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾ ä ºâ€ æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã§Å"‹å §Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â€" é ¾â„¢Ã¤ ºâ€ Zuà ³tiÄ n wÇ’ kn wà ² hdžcng là ³ng le. Completed Actions In The Future As mentioned above, the particle ä ºâ€ (le) can be used for the future as well as the past. When used with a time expression such as 明å ¤ © (mà ngtÄ «an - tomorrow), the meaning is similar to the English perfective. Take for instance: 明å ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ ° ±Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¥Å½ »Ã¥ °Ã¥Å'â€"ä ºâ€ 明å ¤ ©Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ ° ±Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¥Å½ »Ã¥ °Ã¥Å'â€"ä ºâ€ Mà ngtiÄ n wÇ’ jià ¹ huà ¬ qà ¹ TibÄ›i le.Tomorrow I will have gone to Taipei. The near future is expressed with the combination of the particles è ¦ (yo - to intend); Ã¥ ° ± (jià ¹ - right away); or Ã¥ ¿ « (kui - soon) with the particle ä ºâ€ (le): 我è ¦ åŽ »Ã¥ °Ã¥Å'â€"ä ºâ€ WÇ’ yo qà ¹ TibÄ›i le.Im just going to Taipei. Continuing Actions When an action is continuing to the present moment, the expressions æ £Ã¥Å" ¨ (zhà ¨ngzi), æ £ (zhà ¨ng) or Ã¥Å" ¨ (zi) can be used, along with the particle å‘ ¢ (ne) at the end of the sentence. This can look something like: 我æ £Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ zhà ¨ngzi chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. or 我æ £Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ zhà ¨ng chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. or 我åÅ" ¨Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ zi chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. or 我å Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ chÄ «fn ne.I am eating. The continuative action phrase is negated with æ ² ¡ (mà ©i), and æ £Ã¥Å" ¨ (zhà ¨ngzi) is omitted. The å‘ ¢ (ne), however, remains. For example: 我æ ² ¡Ã¥ Æ'é £ ¯Ã¥â€˜ ¢WÇ’ mà ©i chÄ «fn ne.I am not eating. Mandarin Chinese Tenses It is often said that Mandarin Chinese does not have any tenses. If tenses mean verb conjugation, this is true, since verbs in Chinese have an unchangeable form. However, as we can see in the above examples, there are many ways to express timeframes in Mandarin Chinese. The main difference in terms of grammar between Mandarin Chinese and European languages is that once a timeframe has been established in Mandarin Chinese, there is no longer any need for precision. This means sentences are constructed in simple forms without verb endings or other qualifiers. When talking to a native Mandarin Chinese speaker, Westerners may get confused with this lack of continuous precision. But this confusion arises from the comparison between English (and other Western languages) and Mandarin Chinese. Western languages require subject/verb agreements, without which the language will be glaringly wrong. Compare this with Mandarin Chinese, in which a simple statement can be in any timeframe, or express a question, or be an answer.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Getting through the most awkward interview moments
Getting through the most awkward interview moments At some point in your career, you’re going to have an awkward interview moment. It may be something you say; it may be coming from the interviewer; it could be anything. In the end, all you can do is laugh it off and hope for the best (or start working on the next opportunity), but there are also some strategies you can implement that can make things a little smoother in the meantime. 4 ways to ease interview awkwardness1. When you don’t know the answer to a questionYour brain is shouting, â€Å"Stall for time!†while you think about the answer to a question you don’t understand- or just plain don’t know. The problem is that the interviewer can tell that you’re a) stalling for time or b) bluffing your way through if you try to get around the answer. Your best bet is just to be honest.â€Å"I don’t know†isn’t a great response, but try framing it differently. â€Å"That’s a good question! Can you clarify what you m ean by the [X-Y-Z] process?†2. When you’re trying to avoid an elephant in the roomLet’s say you’re interviewing at Y Corp, and Y Corp just happens to be infamous for shady corporate behavior or poor reviews by former employees. You definitely don’t want to lead with that, but you might have legitimate concerns about what it would be like to work there. Instead of putting the interviewer on the defensive, try framing it as a question about what the culture is in the office, and whether the company is addressing some of the issues raised in public. If your query comes from a place that’s thoughtful and curious, rather than accusatory, it creates less friction with the interviewer.3. When you’re being asked about highly personal informationIt’s illegal for employers to hire (or not hire) based on factors like religion, family status, or ethnicity. So if you find yourself being asked questions about this (either directly or in an indirect way, like through small talk), you can redirect. You don’t have to come on strong, talking about legal employment statutes, but it’s okay to steer the conversation away.For example: if you think the interviewer is trying to figure out if you’re likely to have children in the near future, emphasize that you’re committed to the job as a priority, regardless of what is going on in your personal life.4. When you got fired from your last jobIt happens. Not every job ends with a seamless transition to the next one. If you’re trying to cover a firing (even if you were fired for something you did), it’s not necessarily a dealbreaker, and you should be prepared to talk about it. Practice your response ahead of time for a question like, â€Å"Why did you leave your last job?†or â€Å"Can you tell me about the circumstances when you left your last job?†Practicing it beforehand can decrease anxiety in the moment- a plan in place means you know exactly what to say. It can also help you modulate your tone, because you really don’t want to seem angry or defensive in front of a potential new employer.Be sure to limit your answer to just the pertinent info. If you find yourself inclined to start with, â€Å"Okay, here’s the story of what really happened. My boss was a total jerk, and†¦Ã¢â‚¬ then it’s time to edit. Keep personal details and opinions out of it. And it’s fine to give a brief, one-or-two sentence discussion of what happened. The interviewer isn’t looking for a saga- just the basic understanding.And above all else- be positive. Even the worst situations can provide valuable learning opportunities, so you can say, â€Å"It was a challenge, but it taught me much more about how to handle a situation like this proactively and helped me refocus my energies on the skills I needed to build.†Being able to get through these awkward moments can make the difference between a failed interview and a saved one. Staying calm and talking through it can usually fix an embarrassing moment and hel p you get things back on track.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Modernization and revolution in China from the opium wars to world Essay
Modernization and revolution in China from the opium wars to world power - Essay Example This paper will discuss chapter 12 and the Fourth Generation.Shortly after Jiang Zemen and his 3rd generation of leaders took over power from Den Xiaopeng and other revolutionaries, China began to face a new political succession. Most of the 3rd generation were in their 70's at the time. The New Generation of leaders is important because when the Fourth Generation took over it changed everything including the top ministry level throughout the country. This was very much a cultural revolution. Unfortunately there are many things that we do not know as there have not been many studies related to this generation.This generation of leaders grew up believing in Mao. They later found that their idolism was shattered as they became better educated and began to understand the issues. They, however, acquired political skills as a habit of having a chance to think independently. This is a generation that on top of all of that has bore the burden of what is called the cultural generation as wel l as paying the cost of the reform movement. The reform is really two China's which is confusing to the rest of the world as well as the Chinese.Officially this is a nation of patriots not nationalists. The Party is the embodiment and object of patriotic sentiment. This is meant to make China strong and gain and hold its rightful place in the world. However, even with all of this happening, one must remember that the history of China is rooted in the earlier generations and official discourse. This is all very much linked to the Communist Party. The "Motherland" or China has had many periods in its history of invasion by foreign powers. Many lost their lives in these wars and there were many martyrs for the country. The Party used Marxism-Leninism to bring the country together. They used this to show the fate of the nation and its people and the same time point out the correct direction and path for strengthening their country and making it stronger economically. This has all proven to be quite successful. The success of the country now, of course, is because of the Party and it is centre in the economic development. This has all brought about a new generation of leadership which is called the Fourth generation. There are some pretty specific characteristics about this leadership group. Often called the "Cultural Revolution" generation. All experienced CR either as recent graduates or whilst still at university. Only Li Changchun temporarily involved in Red Guard activities, then neutral. Most avoided participation or were criticized for siding with the authorities. Few had studied or travelled overseas before rising to prominence - viz. Hu Jintao's recent visit to Europe and the eager anticipation surrounding his visit to US Experience of provinces, particularly some of China's poorest - Hu Jintao in Gansu, Guizhou and Tibet - Wen in Gansu - Li Changchun and Luo Gan in Henan. Focus on poverty/economic development - both evident for example in Wen's role in agriculture. Closely involved with economic reforms/associations with most reform-minded sections of CCP from 1980s - Hu Jintao headed the Chinese Communist Youth League, Wen Jiabao worked with Zhao Ziyang - Li Changchun's record in Liaoning where he authorized China's first bankruptcy and defended this policy against criticism. First post-revolutionary generation - will this lead them to place less emphasis on the glories of the Party's past/be less hide-bound by official ideology - Role of Central Party School/Organization Department in "Three representatives" campaign
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 9
Research paper - Essay Example The advent of video and the internet has made the porn business boom and generate billions of dollars in revenue (Boyle 8). The writer chose this particular subject to find out if the criticisms against pornography are valid. In addition, he wanted to discover if there are positive effects of watching pornography. The writer reviewed various scholarly peer-reviewed articles on pornography and its results to understand why the business has grown to such a size despite serious criticisms against it. Another objective was to increase the writers knowledge on the subject of pornography. This would enable him to make a personal, unbiased conclusion on the subject; whether the benefits outweigh the costs and vice versa. The pornography industry churns out over 13000 videos and generates revenue in the range of 10 billion and 14 billion dollars. The Free Speech Coalition is credited for the increased presence of pornography. Adult content has entered the society to such an extent that it has become unavoidable (Mikkola 316-320). It is a fact that pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry, just like weapons businesses and drug trafficking. Despite its huge profitability, most of the actresses are girls and women captured in war, kidnapped, sold by their parents, driven by poverty, violence and incest. They landed into the control of pimps, landlords, advertisers and law enforcers. These actresses are not well paid and the profits go to their "employers." Pornography categories have increased dramatically. Consumers, therefore, have a wide array to choose from and many end up liking a particular category more than the others. The main problem in figuring this point out is that there are very few actresses and producers who come out into the open to discuss how much on average a pornstar is paid (Fraterrigo 1262). It is claimed that pornography denies men the opportunity of being intimate in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Online Behavioral Targeting and Consumer Privacy Issues Essay Example for Free
Online Behavioral Targeting and Consumer Privacy Issues Essay Sophocles’ prolific writing has rarely produced a woman of such stern strength of character as â€Å"Antigone†. Inversely the comedy of Aristophanes â€Å"Lysistrat†was among the first to introduce a strong willed female protagonist, who is not a goddess. The treatment of both great writers differs in the fact that the backdrops and the moods are distinctly different. While Sophocles zeroed in on the sombre tragedy, Aristophanes chose to inject feminist revolt against domination through zestful comedy. From a gender perspective it is important to study the motives behind the actions of the lead characters in both the plays. There have been suicides and suicides in Greek tragedies (which almost define Greek tragedies). Sophocles’ Antigone commits suicide in the dark dungeon left to starve to death. But unlike the suicide of their mother Jocasta who decides to end her life when she learns that her marital relationship with Oedipus was incestuous, Antigone’s death is a defiant protest against the tyranny of her uncle Creon and an emphasis of her strongly held belief, that her brother should be accorded a proper burial. There have been few examples of valour from Greek women who defied the norms of either their contemporary society or their king for a symbolic gesture rather than a cause. In the case of Antigone it was the burial rights to one of her two dead brothers which drives her to go against the will of the ruler, Creon. â€Å"Antigone†begins after both the warring brothers have apparently killed each other and since Polynices revolted against the state and led an Argive army to overthrow his brother Eteocles, he is deemed to be a sinner against the state. Thus Creone, brother of Jocasta, who becomes the ruler decrees his body to be deprived of proper burial rites to ensure that his soul rots beyond redemption. Antigone, in the beginning of the play expresses her wish to accord her brother proper burial. It is a symbolic depiction of Antigone’s moral strength that she decides to go ahead in her chosen course though she is unable to enlist the support of her more timid sister Ismene. This is a marked deviation from the depiction of women in Greek literature of the time where women were always looked upon as dependent on others for the strength of their convictions. Antigone succeeds in her stated mission and when this becomes known to Creone, an argument rages on the choice between the natural law and man-made laws. In another daring drift from established norm, the chorus in Sophocles’ play have the moral courage to call the path of their emperor as the more evil. Creone’s son and Antigone’s fiance Haemon comes to her defence and the ensuing debate on the justice of natural laws which should supersede man made laws is a dramatist’s delight. Creone, however, decides to leave Antigone to starve to death in a sealed cave as her prison. The blind prophet Tiresias also advocates against punishment to Antigone and says he will pay â€Å"corpse for corpse, and flesh for flesh†. The declaration of Tiresias that Creon is causing moral pollution causes a change of heart in Creone. His moral dilemma leads him to conclude that Polynices should be buried and Antigone should be pardoned. But by this time, Hameon reaches Antigone’s cave with the intention of saving her only to find that she has committed suicide by hanging herself, much like her mother Jocasta before her. When Creon reaches the cave he finds Hameon grieving over Antigone and he takes his life by stabbing himself as Creon approaches him. This leads Eurydice, Creon’s wife to give up her life in the grief of her son’s untimely death. Thus Creon loses all his loved ones due to his one fatal erring conviction to hold the laws of the state above the natural law. The tragic flaw, is thus justified in Sophocles’ â€Å"Antigone†. It is easy to categorize the play Lysistrata by Aristophanes as a lewd comedy designed to entertain the Greek literature and drama lovers with a lampooning of the results if women begin to take an interest in affairs of national importance. It is also very convenient to visualize male actors playing all the important roles of the play and the â€Å"male†male characters wearing erect phalluses to depict their masculinity might have led to uproarious laughter. However, with passing time and the aid of retrospection help us to begin to understand that Aristophanes might have devoted considerable time and emotional energy in trying to decipher what goes through the hearts and heads of women of his time who were modelled to be subservient and detached from the affairs of the state. Lysistrata leads a domestic and non violent non-cooperation movement (though the medium of non cooperation seldom ventures beyond the conventional sexual subjugation) to convince the men of the time to end the long standing war (apparently the Peloponnesian war) and bring back peace. The play is an apparent comedy that it depicts women as sex crazed and spine less characters for whom rising beyond their daily chores is a daunting task. Except fro Lysistrata, no other woman comes across as strong willed enough to contribute in any way to the cause of the play. One can imagine the gusty laughter the scene involving the swearing of oath by drinking wine from a shield as it was a portrayal of women as being incapable of self restraint (from all good things in life, including wine and sex). Though Lysistrata as a play has a lot of titillate the viewers, it has been seen in modern light as a commentary on the plight of women who have no say in the affairs of the state entirely decide by the men but have to silently suffer the consequences. This has remained unchanged even after the liberation ages of the 20th century. Aristophanes does manage to draw a caricature of Greek women as incapable of with holding sex or thinking beyond sex as the only weapon in her armour to control or change society. It is possible though to excuse this caricature as Aristophanes’ attempt not to ruffle the feathers of his contemporary society while at the same time recording for future history that women did harbour different opinions on the approaches of the state to war and peace. The widowhood and martyrdom of a mother who loses her children to the ravages of war are not mentioned, perhaps because they would have added the much relegated sobriety to this deemed comedy. Gender domination is a visible thread in Lysistrata, but whether Aristophanes designed this play as a comic fiction based on improbable scenarios of liberated women questioning state policies, or as an underhanded attempt to depict female angst of his contemporary Greek society is debatable. However Lysistrata has remained current and meaningful to this date due to its universal themes of Peace being preferred over War and has helped several social commentators put across their point during the several un necessary wars that dot world history to date be it the Vietnam war or the latest invasion of Iraq. Whatever be the motivation, both Sophocles and Aristophanes manage to leave behind a piece of Literature which continues to engage readers and historians in a healthy debate on the premium placed on female equality by writers from the Greek age to the present day. Works Cited or used as reference Henderson, Jeffrey (contributor) Lysistrata by Aristophanes, London : Oxford University Press, 1990 Translated by Gibbons, Reginald and Segal, Charles Antigone by Sophocles, NewYork : Oxford University Press US, 2003
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Self Against Fate Essay -- essays research papers
In the epic poem, Beowulf, we discover a new way of looking at life. The poem, which was written by an unknown author, depicts life as a journey that is set out for you by God, one that is unchangeable and indefinite. Beowulf as a character is a marvelous person, however, not even he with all his power and might can change his destiny. We as people today base our lives around the same thoughts and ideas. No one knows when our last day will be to step foot on earth. Every second of every minute could be our last. We are sent to Earth by God with a purpose, and only we as individuals can determine that purpose after we have truly, fully lived. In the epic poem, Beowulf, Beowulf himself acts as the epic hero in defeating all evil to uphold the glory and safety of his people as fate would allow him with each struggle. Throughout the play, we find Beowulf constantly having to defend himself in the fight not only against three horrid monsters, but the fight against fate. Beowulf starts out the poem as a young man, full of pride and honor. As he ages, his wisdom and capabilities excel while his final destiny draws nearer. The slaughter he takes not only brutalizes him physically, but takes a mental toll on his life in terms of time. â€Å"Physical and moral evil can be challenged and overcome, but the ultimate evil (perhaps at its extremity, age and death) cannot be avoided. Beowulf slays his antagonist and transcends his own death. By dying as he lived, he is a model for triumph in th...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Individual Organizational Issues Essay
The ethical issues presented in the Week Three Ethics Game Simulations were from the Mysterious Blogger and The Veiled Id, the ethical issues address in game simulation of â€Å"The Mysterious Blogger†was whether or not the information obtained by IT Tech, Jamal Moore was enough to discipline blogging employee Aaron Webb for violating the NDA policy. The ethical issues for the game simulations for â€Å"The Veiled ID†, was to address how to develop a security policy that would accommodate the special needs and the physical safety of the employees’. The decision-making steps one took to address these issues were based on the position one held in the simulation game one was able to determine the best avenue ethically to approach in order to take action on both issues address in the game. First, this authors decision-making abilities were based on protecting the interest of the shareholders and how these decisions could affect the shareholders in both short and long-term. Ethical issues that arise within an organization or company will not only effect an individual employee, it will affect the company and anyone who has made an investment in the company. Apart from protecting the interest of shareholders and the company, it also comes down to always following company policies and doing the right thing. If a organizations policies are broken in any way, shape or form, this author would be placed in a situation to make the best decision to receive the best outcome in order to maintain discipline and good order within the company or organazation. The ethical perspectives this author utilized to make the decisions for the simulation game were based on the options given in each scenario within the gaming process. Although the simulation did not have any right or wrong answers it did take time for this author to address each scenario with an open mind and take the time to look at different view points before making a decision(s) to see whether or not the answer selected was the best fit for that scenario. The way these ethical perspectives influenced this authors decisions were by determining the values and effects of the stakeholders for both simulation games played The Mysterious Blogger and The Veiled ID. Showing the importance of applying ethical practices and ensuring all employees are held accountable for their actions can be done by one taking the time to figure out a way to minimize dilemmas or issues caused by employees within an organization and handling those dilemmas at the lowest level. The concepts used in the simulation game can relate to this authors workplace, being part of a family construction company many distance family members or friends of friends of the family will take full advantage of the company. A good example of younger family members taking advantage would be leaving the workplace early, using company property outside of the work zone, using the name of the company in supply house to benefit one’s personal needs. One example of this would be a distance cousin of one of the owners was a wonderful working, however after years of working for the company the owner started to receive phone calls from homeowners asking for repairs to be done to brand new systems installed by this distance cousin who were not in the database of the company, come to find out the cousin was doing these jobs on the side using the family business name, buying material using the company credit cards, company vehicle and gas card to get to these locations but none of these new job sites were jobs the owners of the company bid they were all jobs the distant cousin was doing on the side, this is one example of many. What this has done is moved the company away from only hiring family members to hiring outside of the family and only having a few members that work in the field, although everyone in the office is related the men in the field hold the owners on pedisals and this author has not met many employee who do not appreciate the family owned company. The owners continue to prove to each employee family or not that they are needed, the owners go over and bound giving employee advances to help with one’s personal lives, from getting married to buying a car, to smaller needs as in lunches, jackets every winter, making sure they have good work boots, gloves, hats and anything else they made need to safely complete the task at hand.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Information Use
The design of Information flow and security Is a major concern In any enterprise. Without consistent and proper flow then statistical or decisional errors may occur. Therefore, the design of the information stream is a chief concern of the Information technologist. It is also important to safeguard the data from inappropriate viewing. To that end, it is important to map out the pattern. This example uses a doctor- patient visit in a medical clinic of the twenty-first century.The first bit of the whole comes at the front desk confirming the patient identity and insurance Information. This must be with human Interaction and scanning equipment. Staff verify the ID cards and scan Insurance cards Into the record. There is a lot of personal information just in this step alone. This information proceeds to the triage nurse who takes the vital signs. Then the data and the patient proceed to the provider for the actual visit. Currently, there are already three people who can compromise the in formation and its security.Incorrect data entry and wrong patient are the most common information errors. The remediation for these Is double-checking the information at the point of entry or using more automated means such as vital signs sensors connected to the data system. The security is physical in nature. The identification must be assured in the first place, and the insurance records accurate and safeguarded. Remember, the patient's complaints or diagnosis shall be utterly confidential. If the insurance data is incorrect or not collected, billing will be incorrect and delayed.This is inconvenient and costly. If the vitals are not correct, it wastes time retaking them. The data must be present and accurate prior to seeing the clinician. The doctor has the responsibility to enter complete Information Into the patient's medical record accurately. This will include deliverables to the pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, the insurer, and others. Each of these risks a potential for in put error increasing time usage and the ultimate cost. The provider enters diagnosis codes in as an alphanumeric decimal fashion.One incorrect character will cause the insurance company not to pay for the visit, the medicine or the procedure. Storage of the data Is for billing, statistics and historical record. The database Is not onsite for the smaller clinics, necessitating network link to a server. The flow of the Information Is simplistic. It moves from the clinic information, to the server storage with five or six data entry points in the clinic. The data input is the most important aspect. Would it be reasonable for the patient to pay for prescriptions when an input error caused insurance not to cover it?Of course, this is wrong, but it happens all the time. What would happen If entry of the procedure code were for an uninsured technique? If his happened repetitively, the patients would stop using the practice. The security mentioned above is a physical issue during the patien t visit. However, patient privacy and data security is the penultimate concern in the medical profession. This applies to the billing and insurance data and the diagnosis. Consider this: a hacker changes the mentioned coding. Alternatively, the hacker changes the amount due to the practice.Finally, the hacker determines the patient Is chronically taking narcotics; this makes the patient a target for theft. These are all examples of crimes In recent the tools used. The medical profession has a unique security framework. Most medical offices have an independent system for the medical and billing data; as opposed to their communications system (if they even have one). The notion of not having internet in the office is foreign to most, but it does improve the security of records. Therefore, the transmission phase of the figures to the server is the weak link in the chain.Virtual Private Networks (VPN, Tunneling) ensure secure transmission if partnered with encryption. The information ar rives securely at the data farm where physical and virtual protection is by the best possible applications and structures. It is accessible only by the firm who stored it and via VPN. Stored data security is easy when there is not an internet connection. However, data transfer is over a VPN, which utilizes the internet, subjects the data to interception. It also means the server is susceptible to intrusion. Therefore, the server farm maintains high security for the files.A fence and gate with security checkpoints and guards round the building. Additionally, the server room has cipher-key locks and security doors. Remember, physical security is as important and virtual security. Therefore, the servers have exceptional mallard protection. There are both physical and virtual firewalls and monitoring software. These form a fortress of protection for the medical data. The final piece of fortification is a honey pot. This attracts the hackers and makes them believe they have found the rea l servers. This is a good defensive strategy for the medical data.The data flows from the patient through the clinic staff and into the server under heavy guard. Specified personnel retrieve data for billing, auditing and statistical analysis. The entered data is double-checked and passes down the chain of care in the clinic and eventually transmitted to and stored in the server farm. Trained professionals, computer structure and applications keep the data from misuse during this process. Though this scheme is bulky and expensive, it effectively ensures data accuracy and integrity from source to archive.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
What Benjamin Franklin Omitted From His Autobiography essays
What Benjamin Franklin Omitted From His Autobiography essays Benjamin Franklins autobiography gave the readers a small insight of society into the eighteenth century versus how society is viewed today as a whole. Throughout the entire autobiography he chronologically orders events from the time that he was a small boy growing into the age of a man. Thus giving the reader the option to compare his or her life with that of Mr. Franklins and connect to his reading based on experiences. It is noticed that in the eighteenth century they seemed to be more of a working society than of todays society. Although people in todays society still do work, it has become more of a managerial society instead of blue-collar jobs in which people work just to support the well being of them and their family. Making this judgment is a clear view that present day America is very spoiled in their actions and thinking. If you compare a twelve year old boy in the eighteen century he would already be starting to work as an apprentice or start to be bred into a job with great option to attend school or choose his field; in the present day a child would still be in school and if he were taken from school to be put to work many organizations of the community, government and society would be raising a fit that he is being taken from education. An education back centuries ago was seen as learning a job that was beneficial, usually one that has been in the family for many generations. In Fran klins case he had several brothers who were put into different fields of apprenticeships. The autobiography tells the story of his childhood in which he watched his brothers grow into these other fields while his father would not let him choose as first nor support his own decision on what he wanted to do in life. It gave examples of what they did and even told that he had a sister through the fact that he had a brother-in-law and I clearly confirm that because back then gay marriage was completely unaccept...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Great News Web Widgets for Your Blog or Website
Great News Web Widgets for Your Blog or Website So youve got your news blog or website up and running but you want to spice it up a bit. A web widget can do just that. What Are Web Widgets? Web widgets are simply little pieces of code that you can copy and paste into your website, blog or social networking site. There are thousands of widgets available for free online, focusing on virtually every topic imaginable. Why Should I Use Web Widgets? Web widgets can add interest to your website or blog by providing content that complements the material youve created. For instance, if your blog focuses on local politics, you can add a widget that focuses on state or national politics. If you cover high school sports, you can add a widget that follows the pro teams. Widgets can provide the kind of news content that would be difficult for a student or citizen journalist to cover. How Do I Use Web Widgets? You can find detailed instructions on using web widgets on-line, but usually, its just as simple and copying and pasting a bit of code into your website or blog. And while there are hundreds of ready-made news widgets to choose from, you can also customize widgets to fit the look of your site, or even create your own. Below is a list of sites where you can find news widgets. There are much more out there, so dont be afraid to search for what you need. General News CBS News - The network offers widgets in many categories. Associated Press - A widget from the U.S. wire service. The New York Times - Breaking news from the newspaper. CNN - News from the cable network. Fox News - Breaking news from the cable network. USA Today - A variety of widgets from the newspaper. Politics USA Today Politics CNN Political Ticker Politico Live Pulse - News from the politics website. Business and Economic News CNN Money - Business and financial information. Wall St. Journal Sports USA Today Sports Make Your Own There are also widget sites that host dozens of widgets in a variety of categories. You can pick pre-made widgets or even create and customize your own. Widgetbox - Search from this sites collection of hundreds of widgets, or make your own. Google - The search engine offers dozens of widgets in different categories. Wordpress - Widgets for those who have Wordpress blogs. Follow me on Facebook Twitter
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Homeostasis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Homeostasis - Assignment Example the brain receives signals about this change in the energy demand, a negative feedback mechanism works to regulate it back to regular levels (Kelliher & Media, 2011). Energy creation requires oxygen so the more you run, the more energy is used which causes the breathing rate to increase so that there is enough energy for the cells. This increased demand for oxygen and energy means that the negative feedback loop will increase the blood pressure and breathing rate so that the blood is oxygenated quickly and is delivered to the contracting muscle tissue (Sherwood, 2008). During exercise, aerobic oxidation of glucose takes place initially which means that the rate of oxygen uptake is enough to meet the oxygen and energy demands. However as we continue to run, anaerobic oxidation starts which causes the breathing rate to increase further and this causes an oxygen deficit and lactic acid build up (Sherwood, 2008). Once you stop running and rest, your body’s negative feedback loop works to regain stability and remove the Lactic Acid by oxidizing it. This is known as post exercise oxygen consumption which would explain why Farah was still breathing heavily during the interview. It was because the negative feedback loop was working to ensure an increased amount of oxygen uptake to remove the oxygen deficit and oxidize the Lactic Acid (Sherwood,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Effectiveness of sc 4-k program by county Research Paper
Effectiveness of sc 4-k program by county - Research Paper Example Despite of being costly the 4K kindergarten drawing away big amount of state fund it has several advantages. The more the money spends in the program, the better the outcomes for the children. Learners who go through this form of kindergarten education tend to perform better in their both elementary and secondary level of education1. This implies that this program has much impact on learning in south Caroline. This is because it prepares the learners adequately for further education. INTRODUCTION 4K kindergarten program in South Carolina was an implemented plan for the children with the age of four years. This program was implemented by Sc general assembly. The registration of the children was free to the children who were trusted to do well in various districts of South Carolina. On top of the offering the country’s public school districts in the beginning offer guardian the chance to enroll their children with more than a hundred private and public preschool providers in the country. In this program for a child to qualify, he/she must have the age of four years, clear with free or decreased price. He or she must live in the following district in the Country, Sumter, Union, Saluda, Marion, Lee, Saluda, Florence, and Dillon among many more. This program would be extended to a full day kindergarten country wide. The total cost of the implementation of the program was a hundred million dollars upon estimation. However, this amount is only enough for one year. In the year 2010-2011, an estimated amount of $94.2 million from public money and $35. 6 million from the state was injected in the program. The program is also facilitated by the district’ parents as well as by teachers in the (P.A.T) program. This is operated through the office of parenting and family services. It hires a full time parent educator and part time parent educators in partnership with Lexington country first steps. This program seems helpful to the child’s education, throu gh enhancing and encouraging education to the young toddlers the state is not able to cater for all the districts in the country. Due to this short coming, some districts in South Carolina have been left without the benefit. This means that they are lagging behind with the old fashion of education of plain elementally education or the primary schools. More benefits have been noted since the year 2006 which has been originating from the implemented program of 4K kindergarten. These benefits are discussed by the following essay. Research aims and objectives The main purpose of this study is to find out whether the implementation of the four-year-kindergarten program in schools can have any effect of the performance of students. The specific area of research is to find out whether the South Carolina elementary schools in school districts that have implemented the â€Å"4k†kindergarten perform better than the South Carolina elementary schools that have not implemented the progra m. The research question â€Å"Do South Carolina elementary schools in school districts that have implemented the â€Å"4k†kindergarten program perform better than those South Carolina elementary schools who have not received funding to implement this program? Literature review The 4k program is very vital for children development and success in academics. Different researches have documented the benefits of an early learning program for young children, the society and the community in large. According to these researches, it is very evident that nurturing environments with the best
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